President's January Round-up

President's January Round-up

Happy New Year to all our followers, I hope that you have had a lovely festive period. We are now heading in to 2023 and have lots of exciting events coming up.

What’s coming up?

Check out our latest Legal Tech events [by clicking here], in conjunction with Whitecap. Our Business and Networking Lunch at Whitehall Restaurant and Bar is fully booked for the 31st January but please come and join us in February for the next one.

Have you booked for my Annual Dinner yet? This is a spectacular flagship black tie event held at the Queens Hotel with highly acclaimed guests and for this year a very special guest appearance. More information will be available nearer the time. Early Bird prices are still available until the end of the month, - don’t miss out! Click here for more information and a big thank you to our sponsors:#Landmarkacademy #Landmarkinformation #TheUniversityofLaw #BPPLawSchool #Leap #LeedsLawSchool #Marsh #ArenaGroup #ConveyancingDataServices #TheCollegeofLegalPractice

We also have our Data and Privacy Litigation (overview and legal updates) event on the 1st March with St Pauls Chambers.

Continuing on from last year information on the Leeds Law Society Education Programme will be available soon. Working with Ahead Partnership, we are inviting law firms and legal professionals from across Leeds to take part in a programme of activity with local primary schools to help young people understand the variety of roles within the sector, meet role models from law and develop key skills for employment. Leeds Law Society Education Programme will take place for the tenth year in June and July 2023, delivering a series of World of Work days that firms and individuals can sponsor and take part in.

Leeds Law Society continue to support my chosen charity Out Together, please keep watch for further information on their upcoming launch event.

Some upcoming dates to be aware of are: LGBTQ History month which is the month of February and UK Race equality week which is the 6th -12th February.

In other news,

Don't forget that you can also see articles from our partner firms on our website?here.?If you have news or articles you'd like to share, please do email them to Leeds Law Society.

As ever we are always interested in your views and suggestions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].




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