President’s Forum: PHADA’s New Year Resolution
By Mark Gillett , Oklahoma City Housing Authority
Will Strive to Provide Even Better Representation and Service
I was proud to be elected President this past spring and cannot believe how fast the time is passing. This is the last edition of the Advocate for 2023. It is natural at this time of year to think forward to the new year that is just days away. The rest of PHADA’s leadership, the staff and I will do our best to abide by the resolution in the sub-headline above.
Advocacy in Washington
Regarding advocacy and representation, we will continue to press Congress to complete FY 24 appropriations before the latest Continuing Resolution expires in mid-January. To that end, we recently joined with other industry organizations to voice our priorities, especially for more operating funding given the current low operating fund proration, persistent inflation and rent collection difficulties facing many agencies. More information on this topic can be found on page 3.?
At the same time, we will begin to develop our FY 25 recommendations to coincide with the expected release of President Biden’s proposed budget for the next fiscal year. Typically, the President’s spending plan is released in February or March with congressional hearings and markups following soon afterwards.?
On policy and regulatory issues, we will step up efforts with HUD to make a few rules and other requirements more workable. Many HAs will undergo their first NSPIRE inspection in 2024 and we want to hear from you about any concerns on scheduling, scoring or appeal related problems. Be assured we will then take your concerns to REAC and Congress, if necessary.?
HUD is still planning to institute new HOTMA income certification requirements in 2024. We think this is imprudent because neither the Department, software vendors nor HAs are ready at this stage. Working closely with our industry partners, we will continue to make this point. Similarly, 2024 is the year HAs are expected to start complying with the Build America Buy America (BABA) requirements. We have made some progress, securing some waivers and exemptions from BABA and will seek to build on these efforts in the new year.?
HUD recently issued its ill-advised proposed rule requiring HAs to provide a 30-day notice of eviction for nonpayment of rent. Our staff is developing comments now and will provide members with some sample points they can make in their own comments, which are due by the end of January.?
The Department will also issue a new regulation in ’24 to change the process around tenant screening and criminal background checks. PHADA proactively weighed in advance with HUD to try and ensure the Department does not create unworkable one size fits all policies for HAs. This will remain a top priority in 2024.?
Other Member Services
In the area of member services, we will try to make this publication, the website, and other communications even more detailed and useful to members. As always, we welcome your input and suggestions.?
I encourage you to use other PHADA resources including the free jobs postings section on our website, our biweekly complimentary “Must Reads” publication and Sample Policy Library that is available to all members. We also welcome more member participation on our various committees, and I would encourage you to review information about them at:
In the area of professional development, we will soon convene at our Commissioners Conference in San Diego, followed by our Annual Convention in New Orleans in June and our September Washington Legislative Forum. Training sessions for new Executive Directors will be offered at the first two conferences of the year along with the remarkably successful Rutgers Executive Director Education Program (EDEP).
Please let me or the Washington staff know if there is more that you think we can do to better represent and serve you. I am looking forward to seeing many of you in the new year. For now, I wish you a Merry Christmas, a great holiday season, and a Happy New Year.?