Presidential Hardware: Ways Presidents Have Used Technology in the Oval Office
Randi Mitev
Operations Executive / Marketing Leader / Creative+Analytical Thinker / Grit+Strategy / Listener+Doer
Compromised personal email servers, hacking Russians, and worries about national security – today’s headlines are rife with the power of technology.
With that in mind, we thought we’d do some digging of our own to learn about how the relationship between U.S. Presidents, technology, and the consumer have evolved. Are presidents early adopters? Do they always go name brand? And how can we apply these findings to the way we manage our own networking and data center equipment?
- Presidents Use Pre-Owned Hardware
- Although Hillary may be the first Clinton you think of when it comes to emails, her husband Bill was the one who sent the very first Presidential email – to space. When the White House staff was unable to set up a new computer in time for the exchange with astronaut John Glenn in space, White House Physician Commander nobly offered his personal (and pre-owned) computer to do the job. It was one of only two emails President Bill Clinton sent during his time in office. Proof that presidents aren’t afraid to put used hardware to use and that it works!
- Presidents Don’t Need the Latest and Greatest Hardware to Get the Job Done
- The telegraph, invented decades earlier, wasn’t the newest piece of technology when it was first used by President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War. Although it didn’t officially make it into the White House until a telegraph office was installed in 1866 by President Andrew Johnson. Proof that old technology can remain useful far longer than consumers may believe or expect.
- Presidents Understand the Importance of Investing In Security
- We advise clients to invest in and make sure you have the latest upgrades. One of the biggest things is security. We think President Hoover would agree. In 1929, he became the first U.S. President to bring the telephone from the hallway into the Oval Office, allowing him to take private calls.
- Presidents Invest in Green Technology Practices
- We believe in green technology and so did the former presidents when solar panels were installed on the roof of the White House first by President Jimmy Carter and then again by the National Parks Service in 2002. President Barack Obama had additional solar panels installed on the grounds in 2013.
- Presidents Are Not Technology Brand Loyalists; They Like Choices and A Good Deal
- From iPads to Blackberries and everything in between, President Barack Obama has been photographed with various types of devices to meet his day-to-day technology needs, making him platform-agnostic. It also means he can shop around for the best tech – the ones that offer him all the features he wants – without paying the biggest prices.
With so many different devices in use, the President’s team faces similar challenges many data center enterprises face – maintaining and running multi-vendor multinational equipment on a budget. Luckily, unlike the President, data center managers can turn to resources like NetSure? Third-Party Maintenance to help them keep everything in order, freeing up budgetary resources for innovative investments. The more complex your environment, the more places you are, the better this will work – and the bigger savings you will see.
From pre-owned hardware to green technology practices, presidents have believed in IT freedom from the very beginnings of our country. We believe in offering our customers the same perks U.S. Presidents have been enjoying: