A president who keeps mum is not a sustainable option

A president who keeps mum is not a sustainable option

Ahead of Cyril Ramaphosa’s election as president of the ANC at the party’s conference of November 2017, and before the 2019 general elections, South Africa – its democratic institutions, the rule of law, state-owned entities, social cohesion, and the people of South Africa in general – had been consistently, intensively, abused and pained for some 10 years. The hunger for something else, something different, had been palpable. Come the 2019 general elections, we had been reduced to finding and electing the least of all the political evils placed before us.

To many, Ramaphosa seemed to be the man who could stand aside from the rot, the national derailment, and lead South Africa back to, at least, a semblance of inclusive democratic order with a restored rule of law. The political and ideological proximity between his then-contender for the top post, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, to unrepentant individuals – now seriously implicated in various acts possibly treasonous crimes – ensured that there was a halo of sorts above the head of Ramaphosa.

As deputy president to the institutional wrecking ball that the Zuma-led ANC administration had become, and deputy president of the perennially factionalised ANC (yes, the same party that used to be at the forefront of the anti-apartheid struggle, with venerated leaders like Nelson Mandela, Albertina and Walter Sisulu, Ahmed Kathrada, Dennis Goldberg, Govan Mbeki, and many others), Ramaphosa was believed to hold possible solutions to South Africa’s systemic reputational and institutional rot.

We had to believe in something, in someone, if we were to keep the dream alive that South Africa could still be saved, restored to lead, at least ethically and emotionally, in an African continent that had been in dire need of credible leadership, to restore the pride of the vast black/African diaspora, and the rest of the observing world.

At the time, Ramaphosa was also remembered as the man who co-led, with the erstwhile National Party’s Roelf Meyer, the post-apartheid process to draft a new, inclusive, Constitution of a democratic Republic of South Africa. In fact, many chose to disregard everything else since those early years of post-apartheid South Africa – including how a former trade union leader became a dollar billionaire thanks to his proximity/access to political power, within a relatively short space of time.

Reputational goodwill dealt a blow

Frozen in memory, for some, as the man who stood next to Nelson Mandela as he addressed multitudes of excited South Africans and foreign observers outside the city hall in Cape Town soon after his release from incarceration, Ramaphosa was blessed with a unique, credible, political pedigree.

Why, many wondered aloud on social media, would a man who led the writing of South Africa’s post-apartheid Constitution tolerate daylight abuse of it by his comrades?

READ?|?Ramaphosa remains noncommittal, says he will not answer any questions about farm scandal

On the face of it, Ramaphosa has been a lucky ANC president in the broader society in that even people who would like to see the back of the ANC would rather have him gently leading it out South African politics than someone else.

It's a reputational goodwill that has, in the interim, been dealt a devastating blow.

Reputationally speaking, Ramaphosa has been like a cat which has always landed on all fours. While many South Africans have long given up on the ANC regaining past glory, they have held on to the idea that Ramaphosa means well and would have done even more, had he not come out of the 2017 electoral conference with a very narrow margin and fragmented Top Six and NEC leadership.

But now, faced with tough questions about a burglary on his farm, the president is keeping mum. And it's not a sustainable option.

Anyone who gets appointed to face the media and public on behalf of a political brand as complex as Ramaphosa – a real moving target – must come armed with a strong, persuasive personality, but also master the art of using gentleness and charm when needed.

But they must not be arrogant and inaccessible. When needed, they must know how to be forceful, especially when demanding the right information, the truth, internally, to help them craft appropriate messages to engage the media and other stakeholders.

They must not just be "runners" who play no part in developing the messages; but informed strategic communication advisors who can be equally relied upon by those who employ them and those they must engage with, on the outside.

And they cannot be evasive.


They cannot win in their game when they fear and are obsequious towards their clients/employers. And they cannot win if they help their 'charges' with obfuscation and the dodging of important questions, using legalese as an excuse, in times of crisis - such as where Ramaphosa currently finds himself.??????

Facts, nothing but the facts, are essential tools for people tasked with protecting and enhancing reputation, as they allow them to craft messages that will adequately respond to media and public inquiries while also protecting the fragile position of their employer. The absence of facts reduces them to spin doctors who risk finding themselves to be the only persons standing – with damaged professional reputation – when the lights eventually come on again, as they always do in the end.?

Strategic communicators are not magicians who can make the truth disappear forever. Their job is to help their employers tell the truth in a way that enables them to still walk straight even if they might still have legal consequences to face for their actions.

It remains to be seen whether Ramaphosa – aided by his strategic communications team – will stick to the route of obfuscation and kicking the ball further down the road, or of squaring up with South Africans about what went down on his farm in February 2020.?

No doubt, it’s a tightrope to walk when faced with potential sanctions in the courts of public opinion, the courts of justice, and at his party’s elective conference in December. But his political legacy also hangs on how he manages it.??

Trevor Moodley

Career Transition (Retired) Quality Inspector (Assertive Management Control Oversight and Techniques) Mechanical and Corrosion.

2 年

TRUST, who or where is it, in the South African context. We know from personal experience, and have known it for as long as can be, but fear the repercussion of an unfair judiciary. Gangsters Paradise only, "Cartels and Families", do not tell on each other. Alutia Continua. One Earth.

Belinka Forbes - Vlotman

Founder of Matai Youth Camp, changing the lives of the youth, one step at a time.

2 年

Solly Moeng let's face the facts that the ANC IS rotten to the core. I'm not one to get into political discussions but a reflection must be done of days during Apartheid although there were political uprisings, senseless killings etc. Post Apartheid, we have GBV, raping of our innocent children, a corrupt government, basic procurement procedures not being followed. It's all about filling up your pockets and keeping the coffers empty. Or shall we say. Keeping the coffins filled. Gang wars across the country. Now here's something to ponder on, during campaigning the gang wars are quiet and people feel safe. When there is "things" happening in the political arena, we are faced with gang wars, innocent people being killed. Its time for politics in SA to change. A smaller cabinet with younger fresher people is needed. ANC needs to see the back of the door.

Hemant Narshi Financial Planner Paragon Wealth Advisors

Risk and Investment Planning | Pension Fund Consulting to SMEs | Fiduciary Services | Short Term Insurance

2 年

Poplaks article in the Daily Maverick summed up the Prez very well.

Terrance Jacobs

Terrance Jacobs at New Africa Labour Hire and Contractors

2 年

Usually the Media Pages has Breaking Headlines News from The Moles of the ANC who are Enablers and Benificiaries of Corruption Unfortunately there is none They must use the Normal Attacks on CR The same Substance is used over and over since Marikana CR 17 Mervin Dirks PP $$$$

Trevor Moodley

Career Transition (Retired) Quality Inspector (Assertive Management Control Oversight and Techniques) Mechanical and Corrosion.

2 年

All we seek, within all of us is that TRUTH. It must be told, all of the time into our progressive future, and every time. One Earth.


