President Trumps Biblical Miracle
Trump 1-12 the Miracle of the 70 Years. As Trump was elected Israel was approaching it's 70 years as a new nation. Some say the Jewish people believed they were a nation even a few years before the world recognized their freedom So in Trumps first year & near Christmas 1-12 (1st yr in office & 12th month of year He was in office as President) He "Blessed Israel" by recognizing Jerusalem as the Capitol of Israel. AND 128 countries in the UN refused to go along with Trump & Israel. Yet here & now Jerusalem is still standing as their capitol!!! All done inline with Zechariah 1-12, and Mathew 1-12 and now-then Trump 1-12 as a reminder that Israel has 2 70 Year Freedoms in History. Freedom from the 70 years of slavery in Babylon and 70 years without Jerusalem as their Capitol, which Trump freed. Now that's a Miracle From God! I started posting this message the same year Trump performed said miracle and yet the Leftists have absolutely Zero response. They are speechless!