President Trump has launched a bold declaration, calling for a "Jihad" against fraud and abuse! What are your thoughts on his stance?
Shahinul Khalisdar
Tax Advisor | Business Advisor/ Taxation Expertise/ Enrolled Agent (EA)/Master of Science in Taxation (MST)/ Author
President Trump has launched a bold declaration, calling for a "Jihad" against fraud and abuse! What are your thoughts on his stance? Do you stand with President Trump in this "Jihad"?
Recently, I had an interesting conversation with a prominent figure from DC about President Trump's bold move to issue executive orders. Naturally, I had to ask him, "Do you really understand what an executive order is?" He confidently replied, "Yes." However, I wasn't quite convinced by his assurance. I explained, "An executive order is just a piece of paper. You can scribble anything on it, but the real question is: who’s going to carry it out?"
I want to take a moment to clarify my position on President Trump's Jihad against corruption, ensuring that there's no room for misunderstanding. Let's dive into what this really means for our nation. Corruption is a blight that truly irks anyone with a sense of decency. It’s something that not only disillusions but also fuels a passionate disdain in the hearts of those who value integrity and fairness.
Fraud is more than just a deceitful act; it shatters trust and undermines the very fabric of our society. In the Quran, Chapter 83, Al-Mutaffifin (Those Who Deal in Fraud), we find a powerful reminder that, as Muslims, we should stand firmly against this wrongdoing. A thriving community relies on the bonds of mutual trust between its members, and when that trust is broken, chaos inevitably follows.
This is why I wholeheartedly support a “Jihad” against corruption. A college or university degree holds little value if it’s not backed by strong moral character. We all have our flaws, but that shouldn't lead us to condone dishonesty and corruption. Together, we can cultivate a society where integrity reigns, and ethical values are upheld. Let's work towards building a community based on trust and respect for one another!
What is a Presidential executive order?
To grasp the role of a President, it is essential to explore its historical context. In ancient times, communities organized themselves by designating leaders, such as chiefs, to govern tribes or villages. Over time, this concept evolved into monarchies with kings and emperors, eventually leading to the modern position of a President. This role primarily functions as a "chief of command," responsible for ensuring the safety and security of a region. The establishment of such leadership was largely motivated by the need to protect communities from external threats and to address internal issues such as crime, including murder, theft, and fraud. By doing so, the aim was to foster an environment where people could live peacefully and without fear of harm.
Executive Order: A Presidential “executive order” is a directive issued by the President of the United States to manage the operations of the federal government. Executive orders have the force of law and are typically used to implement statutory legal authorities or direct the actions of government agencies. In the Quran, the phrase “Wa ulil amri minkum” translates to “and those in authority among you” in English. This expression underscores the significance of adhering to the guidance of leaders within the community. It appears only once throughout the Quran, highlighting the importance of respecting and following those who hold legitimate authority.
The effectiveness of an executive order issued by a president often hinges on the willingness of officials and citizens to respect and implement it. In contrast to historical eras, such as the Islamic Golden Age, when a Khalifa's directives were typically honored by regional leaders, contemporary society seems to struggle with this level of respect. In the past, communication across regions could take weeks or months, but messages were brief and conveyed significant weight. Nowadays, despite the ability to send lengthy communication instantaneously, there seems to be a lack of commitment to following through.
A noteworthy example of proactive leadership is found in the actions of my father when he was elected as the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the East Pakistan Peace Committee. Within a week, he successfully fostered peace in a tumultuous environment by engaging in discussions and negotiations with various political leaders. His efforts led to the release of hundreds of detained individuals, all achieved without resorting to violence.
My father opted for quiet negotiation rather than public speeches directed at large crowds. He aimed not for personal fame but for the establishment of peace in a conflict-ridden country. His ability to foster respect and garner attentiveness from the people around him was instrumental in this process, reflecting a profound sense of Islamic respect and leadership.
The fact is, President Trump can issue “executive orders,” but their implementation is hindered when the entire nation is mired in corruption. Nearly all officials demonstrate obedience to the president's orders primarily due to a fear of legal consequences rather than genuine respect. ?