President Grump and the 'Disappearance' of Laura Post - 4
Giles Raymond MA MSc AFBPsS
Founder of Saker Lynd & Co - Organisational Psychologist & Behavioural Scientist, Executive Team Strategist & Coach
This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the authors’ imagination or used in a fictitious manner.
In which we read about Laura's growing realisation of who and what Grump really is.
October 7th 2017
Dear Mr President
Tonight at dinner, Mom told us that the shelter where she volunteers is going to close. 50 people, including some families will be made homeless. And why? No more funding. It just doesn’t seem fair when we see all the wealth in places like Thawle and Heligan City. And there’s no way for us to get any of it for ourselves or for people who need it even more, like the people from the shelter. Mom said something needs to be done. So, she’s going to run for our local council.
We also talked about you. There are no new jobs in Allegiant City. But my dad said, “I’m sure that Grump is still doing his best to fight for the working man.”
Are you? Still fighting for the working man? I’m not sure. There is so much that I have been reading over the last month. None of it is good.
Are you aware that when things get uncomfortable for you, the number of tweets you put out increases? It’s like you are hiding behind social media, saying mean and rude things that you wouldn’t say to people’s faces. Well…. I am not so sure that you wouldn’t say it to their face.
What is for sure is that nothing is ever your fault; it’s always someone else’s. You make denial after denial. You repeat a lot. It’s like you are trying to wear people down, so they get bored with listening to your constant stream of self pitying complaints. You have said, “If it was the GOAL of Inferhan to create discord, disruption and chaos within Murica then they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.” That’s so true! But the fact that you recognize this is perhaps because you do exactly the same thing yourself. You are always spreading distrust and confusion. The Heligan Times recently suggested that during the first 9 months of your Presidency you told a public lie or falsehood nearly every day – over 250 times. Other papers think that number is conservative. Your friends at the Thawle Daily put the number at over 1000. With one breath you tell another untruth and with the next you complain about fake news. Mom would say, “Pot, kettle, black.”
A few days ago, Mom and I watched a movie about a powerful woman in fashion. Nothing her assistant did was good enough. Mom said the character was probably a bit of an egomaniac and narcissist. Out of curiosity, I looked up both words.
Egomania is defined as, “the state of considering yourself to be very important and able to do anything that you want to do.”
A narcissist is defined as, “a person who is overly self involved, vain and selfish; behavior is characterized by feelings of self importance, an excessive need for admiration and a lack of empathy.”
Digging a bit deeper I found a description of narcissistic abuse – “when the narcissist expects others to give up their wants and feelings in order to bolster the narcissist’s own need for positive esteem.” Remember when I wrote a lot of your inaugural speech for you? You said, your ideas were better than mine. Then, another time when I disagreed with you, you wanted to threaten me with a ‘fat picture.’
And narcissistic rage – “the uncontrollable and unexpected anger that results from a threat to a narcissist’s self esteem or worth. Rages are based on fear and will endure even after the threat has gone.” Think about your recent tweets, lashing out at a world you believe is out to get you. Or your constant battle against the press, who you see as refusing to write about “all the good things that are going on in our country.” Or what you said in that terrible interview with Prime Time News about “having so much fun” screwing people to the wall who hadn’t helped you in the past.
I’m upset that this all sounds just like you. If so, then no wonder you can’t apologize. No wonder nothing is ever your fault, that you tell so many lies.
When we were talking about you at dinner, my dad said, “You have to admit that the President is not like all those other politicians. At least he doesn’t lie.” He didn’t sound so sure though. And he’s stopped smiling again. I didn’t have the heart to tell him about your lies.
PS “Those other politicians” my dad was talking about…. maybe they aren’t all bad.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017 - Text from Grump to Laura
07:32 So many questions. Such a curious little cat. You know what they say about curiosity and the cat right? It killed the damn cat! You know something else? I can’t resist hitting you verbally when you start up, Lightweight Laura, because you are just so pathetic and easy, and by that, I mean stupid! Think of that fat photo…. FAT FACE, FAT FACE!
Oct.11, 2017 - The Heligan Times
Steel and aluminum tariffs to be imposed
Plans to impose tariffs of 25% on steel and 10% on aluminum were formally announced today. “It’s for the security of the country. This is the first time you’ll have protection in a long while,” the President told industry representatives.
His announcement to impose taxes on all steel and aluminum imports coming into Murica marks a significant move in advancing the administration’s protectionist agenda. Grump acted despite objections from key advisors and pleas from car manufacturers and other heavy users of the two metals.
Only yesterday the administration vowed that it would defend Murican industry interests against hostile powers like Inferhan and Ndroga. “Countries who engage in unfair trade practices will find that we know how to defend ourselves,” said a Tower spokesperson. Today we are seeing how the President intends to defend Murican interests – through attack.
Shares in Murican metal producers were up 2-3% on the news, while the overall stock market pulled back hard as investors digested the possibility of a trade war breaking out.
October 11th 2017
David Grump@realDavidGrump
11:33 We must protect our country and our workers. Our steel industry is in bad shape. IF YOU DON’T HAVE STEEL, YOU DON’T HAVE A COUNTRY!
Oct. 12, 2017 - The Heligan Times
National Economic Director resigns after failing to persuade Grump against tariffs
National Economic Director, Jeremy Stimsom, was not available for comment today, after his resignation as the President’s chief economic advisor. He is just the latest in what is becoming an ever lengthening list of senior departures from the Grump administration. 7 of Grump’s top 12 advisors have now left the Tower since the President’s inauguration at the end of January.
October 12th 2017 - Prime Time News
Blanket tariffs have been strongly criticized by members of Grump’s own party, who said the policy would cut jobs, raise prices for consumers and hit manufacturing in Murica. Trading partners have threatened retaliation in kind.
October 12th 2017
David Grump@realDavidGrump
15:21 Murica has a huge Trade Deficit because of our “very stupid” trade deals and policies. Our jobs and wealth are being given to other countries that have taken advantage of us for years. They laugh at what fools our leaders have been. No more.
15:27 To protect our Country we must protect Murican Steel and Murican steel workers! MMGA!
October 16th 2017 - Prime Time News
Back from the Brink?
This was what many trade representatives were asking as President Grump today pulled back from implementing blanket tariffs on all of Murica’s trading partners. Temporary exemptions were offered to key allies and other countries with which Murica trades.
Grump then singled out Ndroga for $50bn of tariffs on a variety of goods. The President said that he would fulfill a campaign promise to close Murica’s $300bn trade deficit with Ndroga. Over the past couple of days, in an attempt to stave off tariffs on its steel and aluminum exports to Murica, Ndroga had said that it would buy a further $70bn of Murican goods. This offer is now off the table.
An official from Ndroga’s embassy in Heligan City vowed, “Ndroga will surely make a justified and necessary response.”
Oct. 17, 2017 - The Heligan Times
Trade war with Ndroga looms
A senior official from Ndroga’s Foreign Ministry said, "If Murica takes unilateral and protectionist measures that harm Ndroga’s interests, we will respond immediately by taking the necessary decisions to safeguard our legitimate rights and interests."
Ndroga has already drawn up a list of $50bn in Murican products that would face retaliatory tariffs, including beef and soybeans, clearly targeting Grump's rural supporters in Murica.
"If you end up with a tariff battle, you will end up with price inflation, and you could end up with consumer debt. These are all historic ingredients for an economic slowdown," former National Economic Director, Jeremy Stimson, said at an event sponsored by the Thawle Daily.
October 16th 2017
David Grump@realDavidGrump
14:31 When a country (Murica) is losing many billions of dollars on trade with virtually every country it does business with, trade wars are good, and easy to win. Example, when we are down $100 billion with a certain country and they get cute, don’t trade anymore – we win big. It’s easy!
15:45 Will be making a decision soon on the appointment of new National Economic Director. Many people wanting the job - will choose wisely!
October 19th 2017
David Grump@realDavidGrump
09:33 Harry Dither will be my new National Economic Director. Our Country can look forward to many years of Great Economic & Financial Success, with low taxes, unparalleled innovation, fair trade and an ever expanding labor force leading the way! MMGA
October 23rd 2017
David Grump@realDavidGrump
09:54 Our Steel and Aluminum industries (and many others) have been decimated by decades of unfair trade and bad policy with countries from around the world. We must not let our country, companies and workers be taken advantage of any longer. We want free, fair and SMART TRADE!
October 26th 2017 - Prime Time News
Temporary exemptions from steel and aluminum tariffs given to Murica’s key trading partners and allies were revoked today. Murica will now impose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from all its key trading partners, the Grump administration said, raising the specter of a trade war with some of Heligan’s closest allies.
As originally announced, the plan will place a 25% tariff on steel and a 10% tariff on aluminum imported from these countries. But unlike the recent tariffs on Ndroga’s metals, these could have a significant effect on Murican consumer prices. While Ndroga accounts for 8% and 13% of steel and aluminum imports respectively, the group of economies that will now be affected together supply 50% and 60% of all steel and aluminum imported by Murica.
Reaction has been swift and reaction has been angry. All governments have said that they will impose tariffs “in kind” on Murican steel and aluminum. Some have vowed to challenge the decision in the international courts. Others are considering what they are calling at this stage, “other measures.” Both Murica’s neighbors issued a joint statement saying they would target several Murican exports – including steel and pipe products, berries, pork chops, and cheese – "up to an amount comparable to the level of damage" from Murican tariffs.
The Ndroga Trade Commissioner also weighed in. “This move can be compared to blackmail. President Grump will find that none of Murica’s trading partners, including Ndroga, will negotiate with a gun to our heads.”
Members of Grump’s own party also question today’s decision. “The countries singled out today are our allies. They are not Ndroga. You don’t treat allies the same way as you treat opponents,” said Senator John Spragg. Senator Julia Ebury called the move “dumb.” “Tariffs are nearly always net negative. They benefit a select few while making everyone else worse off.”
An expert in international trade, speaking at a conference on Globalization and Free Trade in Thawle said, “These measures are likely to move the globe further away from an open, fair and rules-based trade system, with adverse effects for both the Murican economy and for trading partners.”
October 26th 2017
David Grump@realDavidGrump
21:13 Our allies are wonderful countries who treat Murica very badly on trade. Now complaining about the tariffs on Steel & Aluminum. If they drop their horrific barriers & tariffs on Murican products going in, we will likewise drop ours. Big Deficit. If not, we Tax Cars etc. FAIR!
Oct. 30, 2017 - The Heligan Times
Murican steel and aluminum industries – some key facts
Steel: Murica produces 10 million metric tons of steel a year. Murica imports 36 million metric tons of steel per year. The Murican steel industry has seen a huge drop in the number of people it employs from its peak of 650,000 in the 1970’s, to approximately 140,000 workers today.
Aluminum: Murica produces 750,000 metric tons of aluminum per year. It imports 5 million metric tons each year. The industry employs 160,000 workers.
Overall, the steel and aluminum industries account for 0.7% of the Murican economy. The numbers of people employed in both industries equates to 0.002% of the Murican labor force.
While jobs may be added in the steel and aluminum industries, there are likely to be far higher job losses in metal intensive sectors like machinery and transport manufacture. Equally, any tariffs exacted by Murica’s trading partners will increase Murica’s already ballooning trade deficit.
October 31st 2017 - Prime Time News
President Grump’s National Economic Director, Harry Dither, was admitted to hospital today. He was said to be suffering from heart arrhythmia and stress.
Mr Dither has been in office for just 12 days.
October 31st 2017
David Grump@realDavidGrump
11:39 Our Great Harry Dither, who has been working so hard on trade and the economy, has just suffered a heart attack. Get well soon Harry!
15:43 Tariffs are the greatest! Either a country which has treated Murica unfairly on Trade negotiates a fair deal or it gets hit with tariffs. It’s as simple as that - and everybody’s talking! Remember, we are the ‘piggy bank’ that’s being robbed. All will be Great!
November 5th 2017
Dear Mr President
Today I heard my dad’s mine is to close. They say that it’s “no longer economic to operate.”
My dad’s boss told him that the investigation into mine safety after the explosion and collapse a few months back had been completed. The final report called for a lot of modernization of the mine and much of its machinery – in particular its elevators and shaft and roof support systems. All of this uses steel, which the mine owners anticipate will now be going up in price. In addition, nearly all the coking coal from my dad’s mine is exported to Ndroga. They say that because of your tariffs and the push back that is happening as a result, the markets for my dad’s coal are “unlikely to remain economic.” “We just have to be cautious until we know more details.”
The day the announcement was made two men were so depressed that they shot themselves. My dad’s last day is next Friday. He is hoping to be hired as one of the skeleton crew that will look after the closed mine. But so is everyone else.
I am not an economist, although I want to be, but if you start slapping taxes and tariffs on a bunch of goods, you will be raising the prices on the Murican consumer. You will also be hurting the people who voted for you. What were you thinking? Or did you just not think this through?
Knowing you, you will say that these tariffs are a negotiating tactic to get trade terms that are fair. However, what you are doing is very risky. High risk is no doubt a positive factor for you, as you believe you can do anything and beat anybody. But it’s one thing to take risks with your own money, quite another when it’s other peoples’ jobs and lives that are at stake. The forgotten men and women in Allegiant City are hurting badly. They feel forgotten again. During your campaign you promised that their needs would be addressed. At your inaugural speech you made them another promise that “every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs will be made to benefit Murican workers and Murican families.” We haven’t seen many benefits. With the closing of my dad’s mine, things have actually gotten worse.
It feels like your tariffs are the same as Sam and Bobby fighting or you and Yun Kwang when you said, “I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is much bigger and more powerful than his, and my button works!” So, when Ndroga comes back with tariffs of their own, I’m guessing you will increase your tariffs to $200bn or $300bn. Really? Anything you can do I can do bigger and better?
PS If you continue, then many more people who supported you will end up hurting. You will lose their support. Is that what you want?
You say, “Tariffs are the greatest,” and “Trade wars are good and easy to win.” My new Social Studies teacher says, “History shows that no one wins a trade war.”
Nov. 9, 2017 - The Heligan Times
One year on - a mixed economic review?
The Murican economy continues to grow.
Corporate profits beat expectations during the year, unemployment has dropped to 4.1% and share prices have continued to climb. However, a year after President Grump was elected, the factories have not roared back. Tax cuts, which were heralded by the President as leading to more jobs for Murican workers, have in practice led to a few companies paying bonuses, an increase in share by back schemes benefiting those companies’ shareholders, and companies hoarding cash for an expected downturn in the economy. There is no evidence that companies have re-invested in more workers.
Although Murican stock markets have continued to climb, much of this is fueled by companies that have more than half of their revenue coming from overseas. Energy, materials and technology companies have all shown double digit growth this year. In contrast, consumer staples and discretionary stocks along with utilities, industrials and telecommunications have only increased by 2.4%. And the threat of a trade war has seen a recent pullback.
Thursday, November 9, 2017 - Texts from Grump to Laura
10:24 You’re certainly right about not being an economist. As if! Loser. You are also right about tariff’s being a negotiating tactic. You’re wrong about everything else. Sad!
10:34 You don’t understand how to do a deal. Nobody can beat me on doing deals. I am the best dealmaker. You’re a stupid baby, a lightweight. Poor little Lightweight Laura. Although you are not so little are you – FAT FACE!
November 13th 2017 - Prime Time News
This just in.
We are getting reports that a gunman using a semi-automatic rifle killed 10 people and injured 12 others at Annabel Bishop School in Allegiant City today.
This is the latest in what has become an epidemic of school shootings.
November 15th 2017
David Grump@realDavidGrump
21:14 My prayers and condolences to the families of the victims of the terrible Suruina shooting. No child, teacher or anyone else should ever feel unsafe in a Murican school.
Nov.15, 2017 - The Heligan Times
Words of comfort, but no policy change after Annabel Bishop School shooting
Two days after the deadly school shooting in Allegiant City by Joe Steinman, the President offered words of comfort but no policy changes to a grieving nation.
“To every parent, teacher, and child who is hurting so badly, we are here for you, whatever you need, whatever we can do, to ease your pain. We are all joined together as one Murican family, and your suffering is our burden also.”
He went on to say, “It is not enough to take actions that make us feel like we are making a difference. We must actually make that difference.”
November 15th 2017
David Grump@realDavidGrump
12:19 So many signs that the Suruina shooter was mentally disturbed, even expelled from school for bad and erratic behavior. Neighbors and classmates knew he was a big problem. Must always report such instances to authorities, again and again!
November 15th 2017 - Prime Time News
Grump calls the response of the police to the Annabel Bishop School shooting “disgusting.” “I would have run in, even if I didn’t have a weapon,” he told reporters.
Nov. 18, 2017 - The Heligan Times
To arm or not to arm
In a series of tweets, the President tried to set the record straight about arming teachers:
“I never said “give teachers guns” like was stated on Fake Prime Time News. What I said was to look at the possibility of giving concealed guns to gun adept teachers with military or special training experience – only the best. 20% of teachers, a lot, would now be able to immediately fire back if a savage sicko came to a school with bad intentions. Highly trained teachers would also serve as a deterrent to the cowards that do this. Far more assets at much less cost than guards. A “gun free” school is a magnet for bad people. ATTACKS WOULD END!”