President Donald Trump:
President Biden’s legacy is ending up in the trash bin because he did not know when to stop withdrawing his friendship-hand from Israel. Our incapacity to stop her genocidal acts caused most of the world’s nations to see us complicit in this, and are taking their distance from us. Because of this, we are fast losing international credibility and prestige.?
Unfortunately, Israel thinks that war is the only way for them to survive, to find excuses to expand on lands that belong to other people.?
Can you make them understand that a “Jewish State” is undemocratic, and that ultimately, it will lead to the ghettoization of a country??Can you convince them that the Jewish people, like any other religious denomination, can, and does live, outside Israel??Can you make them understand that the continuous beating of drums is not the way to live, for them, for its neighbors, and for us alike??
?For God’s sake, don’t let your legacy end up in Biden’s place. Be tough with the intransigent, but above all, let the sense of “justice” be your guide during your second mandate. Realize this, and you will conquer souls and make history as well.???