President CYBERPOL & ECIPS Ricardo Baretzky's Speech at 37th General Assembly, Palais des Nations, United Nations "Defending the Victims of Terror"

President CYBERPOL & ECIPS Ricardo Baretzky's Speech at 37th General Assembly, Palais des Nations, United Nations "Defending the Victims of Terror"

Wednesday, March 08, 2018

ECIPS and CyberPOL in partnership with ADVT and ECOSOC today at the United Nations Headquarters, room XXV, Palais des Nations, 27th General Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland in defending Victims of Terrorism. "Dura Lex Sed Lex", the law is harsh, but law is the law." "We are passed the point of finding solutions and only solution is the enforcement of " the rule of law", President of ECIPS stressed.

PRESIDENT OF ECIPS Ricardo Baretzky Keynote speech International Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism

Your Honorable Secretary General, friends, followers, ECIPS members, CYBERPOL and media present.

Last year, we gathered here for the same cause at Palais des Nations, United Nations Room 26 in the Lawsuit for Child Victims of Terrorism.

It seems that much has fallen on deaf ears within the corrupted political agenda of many. It is inconceivable that in Europe alone we had over 261 fatalities.

In 2015, a total of 211 completed, failed, or foiled terrorist attacks were reported by EU states, resulting in 151 fatalities and over 360 people injured. The University of Maryland spread the words that 238 – or 0.7 per cent – of the 34,676 people were killed in attacks over the past year, died during attacks on Western Europe, including in France, Germany and the UK.

Let me say this, one live lost is one live to many. I bring proper reference today to our purpose. Allow me to firstly officially announce ECIPS and CYBERPOL in the presence of the United Nations and all allies here present today.

International Organization Nonprofit Utility in Public Interest approved by Royal Decree No WL 22/16.594 14 June 2015 protected under UN Treaty 124 on international organizations. Thus, all objection periods are no fully closed and we consider this as final.

At the same, we announce the arrival of CYBERPOL, The International Cyber Policing Organization in which I serve as the President, an International Organization Nonprofit Utility In Public Interest approved by Royal Decree No WL 22/16.595 2 June 2015 .

We hope this is now, once and for all, makes it clear that any objections which could have been filed were not. This has ended any disputes against CyberPOL and ECIPS existence and the legal framework of both organizations are now in place. At the same, I announce that CYBERPOL will begin a full scale operations as within 90 days as from now.

I urge the European Commission with the alleged army of 35,000 and those law enforcement parties working to discredit CyberPOL and ECIPS that we are fully aware of your actions to intervene and stop the proceeding of both CYBERPOL and ECIPS.

In my speech last year Attention was given to the UN resolution 62/71, “Measures to eliminate international terrorism (agenda item 99),” from 1972 which clearly needs action and the late reaction during 6th March 2008 in order to fulfill that mandate which came more than 30 years too late for many Victims of the Terror Genocide as Described in the unfolding wars and terror attacks in this world of today.

I can confirm that CYBERPOL organization adopted UN resolution 62/71 and the following resolutions during its establishment

  1. "Budapest Convention on Cybercrime (Budapest Convention, is the first international treaty seeking to address Internet and computer crime by harmonizing national laws but is not functioning on international levels)
  2. Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism. Reference, CETS No.196. Opening of the treaty, Warsaw, 16/05/2005

Thus in short, any international organization adopting these resolutions established by international law will not be held hostage by any nation, policing organization nor any member state by law and abuse of power.

The recent accusations by law enforcement against me, CYBERPOL and ECIPS of being a criminal organizations, in attempt to disgrace the truth and affords made by ECIPS and CYBERPOL in the combat of international crime corruption and terror shall not go unnoticed and I invite those who corrupted to proceed further with these accusations and interrogations.

Thus there should be no more confusion, is CYBERPOL or ECIPS real or not. Stop spreading the rumors as all those who might be held accountable as I can only say Dura Lex sed lex. The Law is the Law and it is the Rule of Law which will save Mankind today!


The law is clear and its therefore I bring attention to the following of this speech.

Justice in fundamental rights, for child whom has become a victim of Terrorism, War, and, not forgetting, those who fell prey to be a victim of Human Trafficking, is our priority NO 1

Corruption is a big and nebulous word today. I announce that under Article 2 of CYBERPOL and ECIPS statutes approved by royal decree we will, and I repeat we will bring accountable all those who are corrupted under the law, and should the law fail to exist, I can reassure you that such law shall be brought into being one way or another, if not by me it will be by my successor.

We are past the stage of finding pragmatic solutions as a new form of terrorists has arisen due to this turmoil in our current world. The lack of responsibility in the aid of global corruption has become the norm of breading terror.

'The rule of law"

We take for example that today the eCurrency we call BitCoin has been used in a global pyramid based Ponzi scheme. One specifically to fund Terrorism and its providers. In December I announced the warning which had little effect and yet some in the name of political correctness tried to encouraged more regulations to incorporate the Market-value driven BitCoin corruption in the financial system. One or two banks were smart enough to withdraw and even went through the trouble to sell their interest. These actions by no means they are excepting the justice to come. I repeat DURA LEX SED LEX" THE LAW IS HARD BUT THE LAW IS THE LAW. Only the law can rectify this misconduct, not the UN, not the national police,

Last year my effective reference was made to Treaty No.196 adopted by The Council of Europe, whereas it was pointed out the failure to act on the fight against terrorism that obligates EU actors the rectification in justice in fundamental rights. I bring attention to ECIPS function article 2 that allows us to call for international

·      Creating special, multidisciplinary investigative centers to Investigate and address such high-priority issues such as nonproliferation, counter-terrorism, counterintelligence, international organized crime and narcotics trafficking, environment, and arms control intelligence. 

thus I can announce that ECIPS has begun the process of selecting judges from the highest order to bring those who are responsible in failing to keep their duties to accountability.

These panel of judges that will form part of the new International Information Policy and Security Council (IIPSC) to Investigate and address such high-priority issues such as nonproliferation, counter-terrorism, counterintelligence, international organized crime and narcotics trafficking, environment, and arms control intelligence will be armed with a license to stop at nothing.

Although we, CYBERPOL and ECIPS are probably the only legal organizations established in Europe homeless organizations within the EU, it's perhaps not such a bad thing if we remain temporarily a ghost, as this can greatly impair our functionality should it be otherwise.

The cry of all victims of terror "No more Terror Please, No more Terror, Please stop Terror"

"Mr. Secretary General. I point out reference General Assembly Part A of General Assembly resolution 217 (III). International Bill of Human Rights”

We recommend that there should be an international regulation, that Victims are assisted and monitored, in the interest of their physical and psychological well- being, in accordance with the United Resolution adopted by the General Assembly Part A of General Assembly resolution 217 (III). International Bill of Human Rights” that clearly states the justice in fundamental rights or people and their physical and psychological well- being.


Resolution 217 (III). International Bill of Human Rights is the law, the failure of such by the United Nations to react on this law remains accountable

These are the facts:

So let's begin here. WE know who you are, not only do we know who you are, but where you committed your crimes of corruption, and let me be even more precise, which government agency you work for ! .. Explicit material ?.. You will be surprised to know how deep this corruption of foreign financing goes.

All necessary information to identify and bring to justice those responsible for countless terror and corruption is on here, but most importantly their financial information. OUR message to you. It's time to get worried as your corruption has just hit the big stage of the United Nations here today.

These are the corrupted and corruption we deal with today! Let me say It needs to be rooted out. We can't contest the fact that it needs to be rooted out in all forms.

I also point out, our evidence factually proves the Muslim Brotherhood and Qatar's involvement on this issue in the aiding of terror finances, and these remains the facts, so let there be no further issues and discussions on this as I will have no problem bring to justice those involved by remote seizure and control.

This global corruption in the aiding of terror financing that weakens Europe must end unconditionally

This stops now, not tomorrow, not the day after, Right now ! once and for all. If you are smart and innocent, you know where to draw the line as New Order in the World shall be served justice without any warning and none shall be spared. Are you innocent ? Well then you have nothing to worry about.

Last year CyberPOL the sister of ECIPS organization announced it was officially mandated by the IP-owners to probe into the global digital time stamping patent fraud. I can confirm that this probe investigation stretches to over 5 continents and 136 countries and deeply effects justice in fundamental rights for victims of terror.

We now have learned that every single digital time stamp since 2009 is potentially unlawful and illegal whilst many has profited from this development within the EU and countless other countries. Let me tell you what makes this so significant and important and separates it from all other IP and counterfeiting fraud cases.

The facts are:

This invalidates many regulations nationally and internationally and gives CyberPOL antonymous authority by this mandated of the lawful owners of this IP pertaining to the Time stamp patents to proceed in rooting out corruption on all levels, being everywhere today, in every level of our society. By this development I can confidently say, whilst national laws fails to apply in many cases, Those aiding terror financing by means of foreign financing and AML, can now be held accountable in three basic laws at CYBERPOL and ECIPS disposal, Let me give you a wakeup call. International law, Jewish laws and Muslim laws all three apply and trust me, they all apply, and if you think we bluff, I urge you to think again and get your legal counsel first. You might need it.

This effectively means , all those corrupted can be brought to justice without delay, none will be excluded or spared, call it a "cyber judgment day" or whatever you may, it's here, alive and will proceed to bring justice to all those corrupted including those who profits from financing terror. For many it's a day when their corruption number will be written on their foreheads, and made visible to all to see.

These are the facts and only solution in rooting out terror financing on mass scale. You may think it does no longer apply if you are corrupted and protected under national laws , the odds of one of the three laws applying is 3 to 4 (75%) and can no longer be ignored, no matter who or what you are.

I warn those responsible who underestimate these developments . Don't be foolish, don't be stupid and don't think the rules you know apply, as this provides CyberPOL the authority to authenticate each and every banking transaction committed electronically on international scale, and if you think we are mistaken, I politely urge you to think again, as CyberPOL and ECIPS are not subject to any national laws and regulations, but that of treaty 124 international utility in public interests, with other words, the law of lawlessness, over which you have no say. If you don't get my message by now, what are we sitting here for today for in Geneva?

The fact is. This essentially paves the way for immediate lock down of all corruption and AML in terror funding accounts and allow me to point out to you here present today, and those watching live TV at home around the world, CyberPOL has several laws at its disposal that is not worth while contesting.

There is no need to hide behind political propaganda in the expansion in current regulations and new laws, we only need to put the current laws in place to good use. I make a small reference to the Muslim law greater sin 26 that bounds 1/4 of the world population in some sort of way, I leave it up to you to figure it out and do your due diligence, see if I am correct or bluffing ?

Just three months ago CyberPOL Counter Terrorism Team in the Middle East, announced that it has discovered an hidden Terrorist list dumped in a secret compartment on the deep web by the Syrian army during 2014, fortunately the raw time stamp could be verified as authentic. This list indicates over 122000 terrorist of the Muslim brotherhood left Syria during migration to EU and nearby countries. These are the facts ! do you want to contest it , you are welcome.

I can confirm that over 122000 terrorist names in active duty are on that list. Despite the calls for international cooperation, only one agency requested a copy. ??

These are the facts. Notation indicates that more than 50 000 already left to Europe since 2014 without any ID and Passports during the migration scandal and the whereabouts of them is unknown. Let it be clear and well documented today, no European agency wanted copy, this despite the current growth of terror and risks within the EU. Instead some thought it's a "jackal and hide" game. It indicates that corruption is everywhere. 

These facts extend to many sub infinitesimal levels of corruption. The recent attempts of countries such as Great Britain and USA in considering the legalization of crypto-currencies such the Pyramid Ponzi Scheme of Bitcoin, embezzling the incorporation into legalization proposals and stock markets, these factors forms part of this growing corruption and threatens the stability of Europe and its relations to true allies, notwithstanding the growing poverty and hunger of our people.

This directly threatens the stability of all Europe, supporting in the aid of terror financing, and is in direct contradiction of the international laws in financial regulations on many levels. I want to make it perfectly clear, those political dignities whom profited from this Ponzi scheme are not innocent and will be held accountable sooner than they think. We know who you are. If you hear me today, let it ring in your ears, dream about it, as I am coming for you if you are corrupted .

The fact is that this was well documented and placed on record , made clear to all law enforcement during the 3rd World BorderPOL Congress held in Budapest.

The involvement of crypto currencies in terror organization is well documented, and it's clear BitCoin were already linked to the dark web transactions involving AML money laundering, crime and terror financial transactions.

Yet our legal system failed to pay attention, when all heads of departments were present at the time. Are any of you that was present at the World BorderPOL Congress held Budapest corrupt ?

I leave it up to our audience to decide. The issue here is when financial corruption has reached the pinnacle of our law, "Law is Trust" or is it been replaced with "Money is Trust"?

I refer to CyberPOL warning about Bitcoin Pyramid Ponzi Scheme which was taken very lightly a few weeks ago in global space. This ignorance will come at a hefty price. It's not up to the EU to wait for updated regulations but react with the current laws at its disposal on international grounds in the combat of terror financing and corruption as indicated in the INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF THE FINANCING OF TERRORISM.

Just a few months ago more than 240 Million computers were infected with a malware called WannaCry using Bitcoin as its extorted-payment gateway, Yet miraculously all fraudulent activities were dismissed as if it corruption has become the norm in the name of political crypto currency.

The process of back tracking each payment would have been relatively easy for law enforcement by simply using the digital time stamping identification system of each transaction via BitCoin and identify where the currency went to in order to keep accountable those criminals who spread such terror and fear. The failure to do so simply indicates how easy it is to alter digital data and get away with fraud using the incorrect digital time stamping verification process.

Am I correct if I say "our global judicial system has become corrupted to the inside in many levels and don't know wrong from right or left from truth? It needs a clean-out once and for all and we need to restore a New World Order in our current world of chaos.

It is these lawless actions of corruption that must be rooted out by lawlessness itself. Let me say unto you, If you are working for justice and are a member of the "Banditos Corruption Corporation Group" we urge you to resign immediately as CyberPOL is coming for you with lawlessness no matter who or what you are, and if you think you can escape this snake and ladder game we give you an "extra dice-roll with a ladder as a head start" to try and see if you can win this game of fraud and financial terrorism.

Currently we are working on a new digital verification software system to identify and stop all internet-based IP theft, but more importantly to identify fraudulent misrepresentation by a process of cyber verification control, protection and secure validation. This could be implemented as early as 2019. It delivers and protects digital images and assets on-line. The aim is to make the INTERNET a safer environment free of terror and terror images by introducing greater levels of integrity and trust.

Allow me to touch briefly only the recent developments of Mr. Trump's announcement, in recognition of Jerusalem as the Capital, This public provocation goes against all nations and its wishes, and will lead to much violence and terror and bring terror to our doorsteps and most certainly force terror financing to become the norm of corruption.

Flooding the gates of Jerusalem indicates that corruption has reached the very walls of protection at unprecedented scale and threatens our world peace and stability which will be exploited by terror and terror financing groups more than ever before.

The new world counsel established by decree invites you to join our club, since if you don't, it strongly indicates to us, the unwillingness to join the fight against corruption and foreign financing of terror in your and our backyards, In such case be made aware, that the weapon of CyberPOL will spontaneously point to you and fire without any warning in due course.

We warn those corrupted and let it be clearly written in the heavens of our land, justice for the meek and those who have been defrauded has arrived and we will leave no stone unturned even to the very grain of sand you stand upon. Echo theses words as there are people in this room sitting here today, whom is also corrupted and certainly not innocent.

Go forth to your friend and tell them We are coming !

I bring to you this glorious mission "ROOT OUT ALL CORRUPTION" Free human of terror and slavery this is the tiding of today, Don't fear as we need to protect that which is just, good and innocent with fraternity equality and justice in fundamental rights.

Thank you, President CYBERPOL & ECIPS Ricardo Baretzky


Ibrahim Celik

Advisor & International Security and Defense Project Management.

6 年




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