Preserving our emotional equilibrium and getting through this together
Andrea Skhy, MSW
Thought Leader, Social Media, Author, Investor, Peace Builder, Mover&Shaker
Here are some “fast facts” gleaned from seemingly credible sources, too many to reference. Feel free to corroborate. Disclaimer:?I am none of the characters discussed in this article or any other, simply the author. ;) Additionally friends, when I post links or videos, it is for purposes of giving exposure and credit to those who contributed such ideas; not for personal gain. You do understand…
You say our technological progress is nothing. Civilizations many years prior had achieved such accomplishments.?Obviously then, this wasn’t a genetic transference. The gap between is too vast. So we actually did accomplish something in very little time, something that has never happened in the history of all things. Nevertheless, you do state our development is far from what it could have been were it not for “the dark brotherhood, i.e. the Satanian empire”.
You say we are blind and foolish, but you sent the Satanian beings to earth who had destroyed the former advanced civilization, so why allow them to come here (?) to earth, the jewel of the universe for free will operations.?Why had they not been uncreated??You claim at least 20 civilizations have lived upon the earth, and none of them before us threw out the Satanian empire, and yet you blame us still!
You say we agreed to host them, but how could we have known who they were and what they would do??You knew!?Why didn’t you inform us? Their use of mind control to obscure the truth and render passive compliance, would surely have prevented our awakening and seeing the truth, so why blame us??We did wake up once the earth entered the photon belt. The problem was not so much with us but with the energies that were in place.?It is the Satanian empire that created fakes to all systems of society and proceeded to rob us blind and pull off a heist of tyranny. Now you call us the "dregs of all". What kind of god are you?! To gloat over the perceived tragedy of your creation.
You say that the vast majority of earthlings are clones so they don’t have a future.?You say that all prayers reverberate endlessly through the cosmos as sound waves.?If true, that might explain, the commotion in the cosmos as all prayers are not of good intent and the jumbled mess of frequencies would surely create chaos!?As above, so below, Yes? I am told sound waves dissipate as they pass through air and solids. No sound waves in space due to no matter.
You say, if we refuse to come with you we will surely perish and given this paradigm that seems sure. You also say that memory is wiped when we come to earth to learn our soul lessons. But we are blamed, despite your design of how this works. Some of us like myself did awaken and have been doing much to remedy this situation.?
Defiling one’s DNA (via sexual egress ), you say, lowers ones frequency, to connect with reptilians of Satan’s gene pool. But how were we to know? They were pushing the mixed ethnic couplings, pan sexuality, deviant norms of co-ed locker rooms and public restrooms.?We were fighting against it but obviously their tools and resources were something to contend with. ?
You say our use of nuclear weapons has created chaos in the universe but it was the Satanian empire whom you sent here that did that.??We are the ones fixing it! In very little time at that, and from what I understand, you all have defused such arsenal on occasions as well? Since you were targets of our leaders who refuse to acknowledge the presence of other worldly beings.?
You say the bible is a book of lies and I have no doubt this is mostly true. Its gods of Jehovah and Yahweh are of the Satanian empire you say.?But how were we to know?!?You’ve been here since the inception of our country. We are the ones risking our lives to point out the flaws which have been falsely spouted for centuries and getting told we are blind, dumb and foolish by you. ?
The fact is that the law of returns (physics) works the same for all, or it should, whether gods or men so what is erroneously put out into the ether will bring back multiplied of the same sort to you.?The blame game of the good ones, doesn’t build credibility.?
The Satanian attempt to recreate us in their image via GMOs, vaccines, chem trails, irradiation of the atmosphere, 5G, and other invasive tactics by government is beyond perverse, to create soulless serfs hooked up to an AI cloud.?The byproduct: satanian consciousness is unacceptable.?Not all of us were of that ilk however.?We have been fighting back, but it is highly unjust to blame us for misusing free will.?You sent them here! Why were they not uncreated before? Why allow them to come to our planet??You tell us we are each one loved but this is not how love works. ?
Then we are told more evil was created to polarize, to get us to make a choice. But how does anyone fight back with that consciousness and most being clones??They aren’t going to be saved anyways so what is the big argument about waiting for complete polarization? The expectation was unrealistic. Just as the notion of mother earth holding her breath a wee longer is pointless, since the majority are soulless, so who is she trying to save? Surely those with souls now see what’s going on and have had ample opportunity to choose. Why this protracted nightmare? ?
The earth is on the cusp of imploding from the toxic atmosphere and frequencies created by the Satanian empire.?Why do you blame us??Overthrowing them could have been completed sooner if civil war were an option which our Constitution allows.?
?“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--?(Declaration of Independence)?
But this insane process of appealing to elected officials who don’t work for us is madness.?Did you really think they were going to change sides? Why haven’t you intervened since you knew what was going on? Surely there have been many requests for help, so the law of noninterference doesn’t apply. We weren’t asking you to do it for us.
There are too many gods?(Ra, Aton, Jehovah, Yahweh, etc) none of whom seem emotionally well or vested in the sovereignty and safety of “their” creation. Furthermore, I am to understand that Ra is a social memory complex, a group of spiritual entities, not a personal being and clearly these gods are not exactly in agreement.?There are too may vying for earth. We the few who have lived through sheer insanity and pushed back, are the deserving ones.?
You tell us the Satanian empire has been uncreated but their minions are still operating in the same way.?Is that not to be expected?!?They are the soulless ones, so why are the rest of us subject to their choice which doesn’t matter anyway? You said murder isn’t allowed except for self defense. Is this not such a situation?!?The planet was almost destroyed, our lives, our property, our progeny, and our very persons, put at risk of extinction! And You have delayed the resolution by your insistence on how they are removed. WE ARE NOT TO BLAME.?
The construct of god seems to be the real problem here, the misnomer, since there are many, none of whom have solved the problem of saving earth. All we’ve gotten is blame, lies, intimidation and manipulation. Excoriating verbiage has been your forte which is not only misplaced, but solves nothing.?Clearly we need to put these impostors out of office, reclaim and restore Terra. The title of god is not acquired merely by knowledge but the right application of knowledge and emotional wellness.??
To not allow candid disclosures and discussion of the dilemma only leads to disaster. After all, our whole existence is claimed to be the result of a “big bang” (hint-big) from the highly compressed and repressed energies contained within a point.?None of this seems plausible that so much could have been packaged in so little. Then we build our lives around such notions, holding on for dear life to things that do not benefit in any way, because someone, somewhere, claimed to be god and threatened to do bad things if we didn’t comply.?Would a creator who is truly the embodiment of good do this?!?No! The laws of creation must not be violated by god or man. ?
If the outer world is created by the inner world, and the majority have no souls, how do you intend to right the obvious disproportion in incidence of such behaviors? To think as you have said, the sheep and cows have been used for gestation of human fetuses and hormones employed to alter sexual preference or create deviates, how do you propose we eliminate this abominable practice??By asking nicely? I am not trying to be funny but this is a serious problem which I think we are well within our Constitutional duty to overthrow.?
We have been informed that the Bible is a book of lies, that the God therein is Satan, that Jesus is Gabriel’s son, that he was married and had kids. You do understand this is a lot to digest. I don’t know who to pray to. The throne room is crowded. LOL Seriously, this is all very disturbing. The solution we’re told is to know that we have God within, not somewhere out there. But of course you do realize that ‘god’ within may vary from person to person. Undoing a lifetime of erroneous programming is no small feat!??
When I shared with family some years ago, my doubts about the God of the Bible, the result was ostracism. No home, no support, no job, nothing… It’s cost everything!?But to be blamed (not just me but all of us) on top of that, when I (we) have been working day and night to solve this problem is unacceptable. Waking folks up is not exactly appreciated as it disturbs their long cherished ideas and knocks out their emotional safety nets. Taking responsibility for their future when they thought Jesus had their backs, is a seriously disturbing wake-up call. ?
Aton’s solution is prayer for all including those who have found themselves at a “train depot” (astral plane), between here and 5D. lol?But isn’t prayer simply another violation of “free will”??I mean if I pray for others to “straighten up and fly right” when they want to go south instead of north, am I not using mind control of a sort which violates free will? I am obviously being real here.?None of this is funny and I do not care to go through this again in any other lifetime. I would implore all peoples of the earth to stand up and say no to this tyranny. You will need to make a choice as to the side of right or wrong, truth or lies, freedom or tyranny, courage or fear, but I think we are almost out of time. So perhaps, I’ll meet you soon after all. ;)
Many thanks to friends in all dimensions who have enlightened this journey. May truth and fairness always be our guide. Perhaps that is the truest test of God within.?
Your friend always,Andrea