Preserving culture, a responsibility for all
The local traditions are important as they are pillars of culture/ heritage of any nation. They are valuable for people who regard them as genuine treasures that should be well-preserved and documented. These fortunes should be passed on to the next generation. Our ancestors have strived to shape the unique Omani culture and heritage which are renowned globally as rich, distinctive and attractive. Both our parents and grandparents have spared no effort in protecting every single piece of cultural and historical treasure.
All these aspects of culture and heritage, including traditions, are our blessings today and a legacy for the country’s next generation. Truly, customs and traditions are part of our history. Celebrating them on various occasions is a way of reviving and conserving them. The value of such treasures is priceless as nowadays many countries are losing their identity by sacrificing their heritage, tradition and culture, which represent the past history of any nation.
His Majesty Sultan Qaboos stressed on the significance of preserving heritage and culture when he said: “It has been very clear to us that our heritage is not only represented by forts, castles and ancient buildings, but by spiritual customs and traditions, by science, art and literature transmitted by one generation to another. The real preservation of heritage will not be accomplished unless we understand this and cherish it.”
In view of that, celebrating local traditions is today considered a must. Probably, the celebration is not obligatory as you might think, but to present its importance and share the concept and story behind each one of them to the upcoming generations of Omanis. Some of the traditions are celebrated in different times of the year depending on their significance on certain occasions. Others are part of our daily life.
Therefore, keeping the practice going on for different traditions will definitely help in preserving them. Parents should start enlightening their children about the value of having a tradition and the importance of preserving it. Some traditions need to be practised and brought to the attention of the younger generations that could observe them. Only then will children understand the real value of traditions — which their ancestors have been preserving — and respect them.
All traditions should be preserved, practised and cherished as they are a core element of our culture and heritage. Passing them from one generation to another is a responsibility of every citizen. It is the responsibility of grandparents to promote them to parents who should preserve them for their children and emphasise on their importance.
Nowadays not only individuals and families, but also corporates are celebrating traditions on various occasions. In some cases, certain cultural and traditional aspects are featured in the celebrations of business events.
It’s pleasing to see corporates associating business with culture and heritage. This is a way of reflecting culture in corporates’ missions, visions and values. Such practices are another way of preserving cultures.
Hope such practices are sustained and adopted by all corporates, associations as well as government bodies. It is important to make sure that everyone comes together to preserve our treasured culture and heritage.