Presenteeism or Learned Helplessness

There are other names but, not sure whether any more acceptable, presenteeism and Mental Health or repetitive stress injuries due to over-exposure to sub-optimally calibrated DSE already affecting 58% plus manifesting in average 20% loss in productivity resulting in many more “working to live” in the 21st Century the age of digital separation anxiety versus ‘living to work’ eroded by progressive and insidious loss of work/life balance.

“Wellbeing” or sustaining more optimal “basic given minimum working condition” would support the human production-line that seams not to benefit from the same routine and planned maintenance other work equipment or even just compliance with 1998 PUWER Act or maybe ISO 45001 “Work Exposure Limits”risk assessment as animal, vegetable, mineral and chemical hazards are afforded.

Then there is the expedience, sort of, avoiding Accessibility Regulation whether related to Health or Safety surrounding “Sick Building Syndrome” Risk Assessment, particularly ventilation along with Day & Work-lighting let alone DSE Colour Contrast Calibration, BSI ISO 30071.1 for mitigating CVS, Screen Fatigue resulting in myopic / asthenopic dis-ease and repetitive stress related visual adaptations debilitating “Access to Text” on-screen. (WHO ICD-10)

Then there was the tongue in cheek SHP article denial that we had actually reached the tipping point where Heath does need to be balance with Safety


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