Presentation slides or a Working Prototype?
Webbit21 - No Code Solution Experts
Complex business logic applications, MVP, CRM to ERP and more! Enterprise grade software solutions built extremely fast.
Given a choice between presentation slides and a working prototype for your application idea, which one would you choose?
Did you know that a Web or Mobile application can be built in just a matter of days? We are not talking about ChatGPT prompts or any new AI tools but No-Code technologies. (Rapid) software prototyping is becoming increasingly popular, especially using NoCode technology.
With a No-Code prototype you have a tangible, functioning digital product than just an idea, mockup or presentation. Imagine how easy it would be to onboard others and convey your digital ideas with a working prototype!
But why limit these applications to prototypes for demos? No-Code technologies are built such that application development can be done orders of magnitude faster than traditional coding.
Isn't it better to demo a working application, than presenting some slides with your ideas?
The same prototype application you demoed in the morning can be deployed in a few seconds to get real user feedback. Be it new functionalities, ideas or general user flow, you limit the risks associated with launching new applications through rapid prototyping. Now your prototype can help your team to easily assess whether it will be a success and what needs to be improved. Isn't it a better way to show what you can do and what an app can do for your users than by presenting a working app? And the beauty is that the start of an actual digital product is not the moment that your Client gives a go, but even before that!
The cost of creating a prototype is relatively small, so the financial risk is quite limited.
The cost of creating a prototype is relatively small, so the financial risk is quite limited. Worst case, if you conclude that the new digital product is not viable, the write-off is acceptable.
The step from a prototype to a MVP is small. In fact, in many cases adding a functionality, one piece at a time, is a very effective approach to evolve into the best end result. This approach can be applied even in big projects, where a complex legacy system is being replaced. As long as you ensure that your new functionalities integrate with the old system, you can replace it ‘block by block’ and still provide an uninterrupted access to all of the old legacy services.
NoCode applications can be built to easily transition from prototype to a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
Using NoCode tools, the whole concept of showcasing mockups as ‘prototyping’ is slowly blurring. With NoCode tools building a prototype has become as fast and simple (or even simpler!) as building a mockup. So, why not just get started with building real functionalities? As mentioned earlier, it’s often just a small step from building a prototype to creating an MVP.
And why even stop at an MVP, the same NoCode tools can be transitioned to a fully functional Web / Mobile application. In fact, NoCode tools are built to quickly build software solutions. Application prototyping is just an unintended consequence of No-Code technology!
So how about using the same tool to quickly and easily transition from prototype to MVP to fully functional application? Exciting, right!
Want to know more about Rapid Prototyping using No-Code? Connect with us at [email protected]
This is an adapted version of a Webbit21 article written by? Sander van Beukering .