Presentation Slides 27, 28 & 29
Palm Oil Mill management: 1st Grade Steam & Internal Combustion Engineer (JKKP). MBA & Ph.D. (USM)
H4 The relationship between Estate Factors and FFB Processing is moderated with Logistics Efficiency
Process procedure version 3.3 by Andrew F. Haze, 2018 Model 1 for moderation (Fig. 4.6, page 257)
Moderator variable affects the relationship between two variables as such that the impact of the predictor on the criterion varies according to the level or?value of the moderator (Holmbeck, 1997).
Appendix 28????????Y????FFBPROC??????????????????? Dependent
?????????????????????????????X????ESTATEFAC Independent
Level of confidence 95.0000, ‘W’ values in conditional tables are the mean and +/- SD from the mean.
Variables mean centered prior to analysis LOGEFF and ESTATEFAC (to reduce multicollinearity and make interpretation easier)
Mean Square Error measures the average of the squares of the errors
(very high MSE for test and validation)
Model summary????????????????????????????R????????????R(sq)??????????MSE??????F????????????df1????????df2????????P
FFBPROC???????????????????????????0.95???????0.90?????? 0.01??????377.23?? 3.00??????122.00?? 0.00
Test of Highest Order unconditional interaction ??R(sq)chng?????F?????????df1?????df2??????????P
X*W?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 0.00????????? 0.30 ???1.00???122.00 ????0.59
R(sq)chng which is just the improvement in R(sq) when the second predictor is added. R(sq)chng is tested with F-statistics. Significant Fchng improved the prediction.
Since R(sq)chng is 0.00, F < 3.95 and further more significance probability P is 0.59 non-significant, it?mean the effect does not exist.
Conditional effects of the focal predictor at values of the moderator
LOGEFF effect???se??????????t?????????????p????????????LLCI??????ULCI
-0.33???? ?-0.39?????0.06??????-6.82???? ?0.00?????? -0.50????? -0.28????????????????????
0.00?????? -0.37?????0.05??????-7.33????? 0.00?????? -0.47????? -0.27????????????????????
?0.33????? -0.35?????0.07??????-5.39????? 0.00?????? -0.48????? -0.22
The b-value for LOGEFF, associated std errors adjusted for heteroscedasticity, each b is compared to zero using a t-test which is computed beta divided by its std error, the confidence interval for the b is also produced.
Since the confidence interval is negative, the true effect size is same as ‘no effect ‘and there is no moderation.??????
Since effect size none, it can safely assume the non-significance means a real lack of effect (McShane & B?ckenholt, 2016).
Data for visualizing the conditional effect of the focal predictor????
A simple slope is defined as the regression of the outcome ‘y’ on the predictor ‘x’ at a specific value of the moderator ‘w’
To understand potential interaction effects, since the lines are parallel there is no interaction (Fig. 4.7, page 261)
Therefore, hypothesis H4, The relationship between Estate Factors and EEB Processing is moderated with Logistics Efficiency is not supported.
Note: Hypothesis H4 was tested because we know it will be supported. The negative result above was due to some factors selected were unable to interact in this moderation model. Remove these factors to repeat the test and you will find hypothesis H4 is supported.
FFB Processing moderates Estate Factors to FFB Processing is not supported, Recap of this presentation next slide 27-27
Estate Factors –??????????????????????????? FFB ????????????????????????????????(Fresh Fruit Bunch)
FFB Processing –??????????????????????????FFB????????????????????????????? (Quality??&??Quantity)
Logistics Efficiency – FFB (Damage)???????????????loading??????????? transporting?????????unloading
I, Cheah Cheng Teik studied ‘Marine Engineering’ and a ‘Competent Marine Engineer’ by profession (Ministry of Trade license, MOT) and had braved the oceans to see the world.
For the industries on land, I am also the ‘First Grade Steam and Internal Combustion Engineer’ license issued by JKKP (Jabatan Kesihatan dan Keselamatan Pekerjaan).
I did my MBA?and Ph.D. with Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang.
Published a poem with the International Library of Poetry.
Cheah Cheng Teik (2004). ‘When You Found That Special Thing, It’s The Joy You Bring’. The International Library of Poetry, Watermark Press 2004, The International Who’s Who In Poetry, page 3, The first poem in this book.
Write a book, USM Main Campus Library.
Cheah Cheng Teik (2009). ‘Fengshui In Business, The Case Of The Beijing Olympics Games 2008’. Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
Published an article in IGI Global.
Teik, C. C., & Fernando, Y. (2018). Lean Logistics of the Transportation of Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) in the Palm Oil Industry. In M. Khosrow-Pour, D.B.A. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition (pp. 5422-5432). Hersey, PA: IGI Global. Doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2255-3. Ch471
Write a book, USM Main Campus Library.
Cheah Cheng Teik (2021). Examining the Role of Estate Factors, Fresh Fruit Bunch Processing and Logistics Efficiency on Oil Extraction Rate. Universiti Sains Malaysia APEX, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. (APEX: Accelerated Programme for Excellence, September 2008).