The Presentation Quandary

The Presentation Quandary

There you are. Your moment has finally arrived.

You’re in the spotlight, again.

You’ve got a few nerves. That’s okay. It’s healthy.

Your mind is in the zone.

You’ve done this many times, but…


That but… what is it?

Well, should I do it like I did it last time?

Everyone said what a wonderful presentation you did so, of course you should do it like last time!


But what?

Um… it’s nothing.


And on you go and do it all over again.

And the audience loves it.

Just like last time.

They really do. Their reactions are in the moment and sincere.

And people come up to you after and say how wonderful you were... again.

And all should be right in your world.

But… it’s not.

Because this time, you’re a little frustrated.

Maybe even dejected.

Yes, this time it’s different.

You may even feel a little foolish if you’ve reached this point.

But why are you feeling this way?


Well, it could be this...

Your audience is getting what they want. You’re good at that.

You’re up there giving and giving and giving until it hurts.

So much wonderful information you’ve passed over because, well… you’re generous.

You’re a giver!

And let’s call a spade a spade.

You do like the feeling you get as you’re passing on your gems because, well… it’s wonderful to feel like the focal point of the room and have everyone hanging on your next word. Right?

C’mon… you know it is.

You love that.

And it’s something you’re very comfortable doing.

You’re good at it!

It’s normal to like doing things you’re good at. Right?

Yep, it is.

So what’s the problem? You know people always say how wonderful your presentations are. Many people would kill to be able to present like you. You’ve got a style. You know that, right?


So the problem is…?


The problem is… I’m not getting what I want!

There, you’ve said it!

You’re a business owner. If you invest in something, you want a return on your investment.

And many business owners are wonderful presenters yet have nothing to show for it at the end of the presentation except for applause and a few slaps on the back.

But they don’t pay the bills.

The problem? I was hoping to generate some income from my presentation.

You know… a client!

Is that so terrible?

No. No it’s not.

Okay, so that’s the problem.

Now, what are the potential causes?

·??????You’re giving away so much information the audience doesn’t need to contact you. They’ve got what they want.

·??????You’re entertaining, sure! And they love it. But your entertainment skills don’t solve your audience’s pain points.

·??????You’re developing an emotional connection. Yep. But not the right one.

·??????You’re enjoying the moment and being genuine. True dat! But you’re forgetting the big game in town. Your enjoyment isn’t winning you clients.

·??????You’re proving to everyone you know your stuff. Damn straight! You’re an authority who gives it all away!

·??????Everyone tells you you’re a wonderful presenter. Oh my good Lordie, yes! But you’re not getting what you want… clients.

·??????And you love the adulation, so you keep presenting in the same way being the wonderful giving person you are.

·??????And, you keep getting the same results. Nada. Zip. Crickets.

And that’s why, this time, you’re frustrated.

You’ve hit the wall.

Because all that praise is nice, but it doesn’t put food on your table.


So here’s a question you may like to think about…

How long do you want to live with that?

You’ve been there so many times.

Are you going to keep trying to drink from that dry well?

Or is now the time to try a different way?

A way that’s taught to radio announcers and podcasters across the globe.

If now is the time to change your presentation results, hit the link and check out the info about a 3-hour Persuasive Presentation workshop hosted by Steve Sweeney.

Steve trains the announcers on radio IBGR which broadcasts in over 180 countries and has trained hundreds of business owners in the art and science of attracting business from the stage.

In his words, it all boils down to this…

“The world needs giving presenters. So keep being one. But make sure you learn how to give in a way that puts you in a position to receive. Sometimes, you gotta create your own karma.”

If you'd like to learn to present to attract clients from an audience, hit the link below to learn about the upcoming workshop.


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