The Presentation of the Lord

The Presentation of the Lord


Today the Church celebrates the feast of the Presentation of the Lord, or "Candlemas."


40 days after Christmas, Mary and Joseph take Jesus into the Temple for the first time. There Mary goes through the Mosaic rite of purification and they offer a sacrifice of two turtledoves for Jesus.


Here are three reasons why this feast day is so important to celebrate.


1. Jesus is the Light of the World

In Jerusalem, there was a devout man named Simeon who the Holy Spirit promised to reveal the savior to before he died. Upon seeing the baby Jesus, he calls Him "a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to thy people Israel."


At Mass today, the faithful bring candles for the priest to bless. This candle is a symbol of the Christian life: Jesus fills our hearts with the fire of faith, love, and grace. Then, His light shines through whole world.


2. The Importance of Obedience

When we meditate on the Presentation in the glorious mysteries of the rosary, the traditional fruit to pray for is obedience. Although Mary and Jesus do not need the purification and redemption rituals, they submit to them anyway.


Their obedience shows a witness of deep humility. This act of humility paved the way for the ultimate act of obedience: Christ's sacrifice on the Cross.


There are many times when we are asked to do things that we don't feel like doing. How can we humble ourselves to grow in the virtue of obedience today?


3. Spiritual Vigilance to See Jesus

The Holy Spirit inspired Simeon to go into the Temple that day and see His Savior, in the hidden form of a baby. We also saw a similar moment last month when the three magi found the baby Jesus and adored Him.


We all desire to see Christ's presence in our lives. Have we asked the Holy Spirit to help us see Him even when it's not obvious?


Are we able to see Christ hidden in the Eucharist? Can we see Christ in others, made in His image and likeness? Can we see Jesus dwelling within our own souls, waiting to converse with us?


What Do I Do With My Life? | Sr. Mary Grace, S.V.

Sr. Mary Grace from the Sisters of Life explains the importance of bringing God into your decision-making. This clip comes from her full SEEK talk, 7 Life-Changing Tips for Prayer.

"Lord, now you let your servant go in peace."- Luke 2:29


