Be Present
Tim Brister
Licensed Health Coverage Advisor | Comprehensive Health Benefits for Individuals, Families, and Small Businesses
Every Sunday for the past several weeks we've been talking about the ways we seek to love our neighbors through our work. This week, we want to share the value of being present to our clients and community, providing help in an accessible and easy manner.
Granted there will be times that work can get crazy or circumstances will providentially hinder us from being present (e.g., sickness, vacation, etc.), but it is our goal to demonstrate a high level of responsiveness and accessibility through an abiding presence in the lives of our clients. This happens through a numerous means, including social media, email updates, policy reviews, and (if possible) in-person meetings.
When you are in the selling business, it is tempting to only focus on acquiring a new client and forgetting them after they have been helped. But the work of an agent is just beginning. We love our neighbors (and clients) with and enduring commitment to be helpful and present throughout the time they have a health plan with us.
When agents loves themselves first, they quickly become absent and inaccessible to clients as a habit. When agents love their neighbors first, they intentionally become present and accessible to clients as a habit. It's a choice every agent or agency makes. We chose to love our neighbors through our work.