Present Perspective
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To put things in perspective in relation to size, first think about the size of a human body. Compare that thought to the size of an automobile. Now compare that to the size of the United States, then to the size of the earth. Compare the size of the earth to the Milky Way galaxy. The earth has a radius of 3,958.8 miles and NASA estimates the size of the Milky Way to be somewhere between 170.000 light-years to 200,000 light-years across or 6.2137 x 10^17 miles and contains 100-400 billion stars and planets. So comparatively speaking in the sense of God's total creations, the human is miniature in comparison to the Milky Way galaxy not even considering how big the entire universe is.
If we take this concept in the opposite direction, starting with the human, we have an estimated 37.2 trillion cells and the average size of a human cell is 100 μm in diameter. Each cell holds 42 million protein molecules and a molecule is composed of two or more atoms, each consisting of three main parts – protons, neutrons and electrons. Then we get to the subatomic particles that the atoms are made of and the electron radius is estimated to be 10^-16 cm. The next step is the quark which is too small to measure but is estimated to be 10^-4 the size of a proton.
So when it comes to size, the human is its own universe and if you are a Christian, when you consider that God created all things, how amazing is everything that is in existence? Now that we have a basic understanding of size, let's put that in relation to time.
With the Milky Way being 170,000 to 200,000 light-years across and current thinking that the universe is 83 billion light-years across, the human life expectancy as of 2016 was 72.0 years; we are only in existence for a very short period relative to all of Gods' creations. What are the odds of you and whoever you are with right now, (or anytime) being in existence at this moment in time and at this place in time? Shouldn't we give them the respect of being present? Being present by my definition is being focused on what they are saying and not letting our mind wander to think about other things or think about what we are going to say when they finish talking.
When you become aware of wanting to be present, you will also become aware of how often your thoughts drift from the 'present'. But when you become aware, it's the first step to change.