Present Magic

Present Magic

We should live in a way that the future will not come, and the past never happened. That way we can be free. Free from anxiety.?Free from self judgement.?We worry about the future. It is probably our greatest source of anxiety. We judge ourselves on our past. We say or did things that do not resonate with us today. In turn, we beat ourselves up to the point where we never measure up. And that's just fucked up.?

So here we are today. No past, no future. It's simply freedom to create what we want. It's not about denying where we are in life. It's about building upon it. Some of us are working from a deficit. But at least we are working. And if we're not, we should be. Because if we don't, we add to that deficit. And we're projecting into the future. And the future holds anxiety. So we return to the present. Because that is all we have.?

Intention without action is not magic.

You probably have heard me talk about magic. It does exist. Magic in the simplest form is intention. Intention to create. And the best way to create a magical future, is to work for it today. But often times we don't. And we need to ask ourselves why? Why don't we honor the gifts that we do have? We may not have what we want. But we do have the power of intention. And intention without action is not magic. It is mischief. Because inaction leads to fraction. It's that small piece that keeps us from stepping into our greatness.?

It really is this simple. Holding onto the past, is like carrying around a weight...a weight that is keeping you from your dreams. Dreaming of the future, is like being untethered?with no base to create. We must return to the present. Because the present is the magic. It is the one thing that you will really ever own.?

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