The Present is a Gift!

The Present is a Gift!

There’s so much talk about the future these days! I’m somewhat of a futurist. I’ve invested most of my life helping others, and myself, envision the future so as to empower us to live in it. Peter Drucker once said that “the best way to predict the future is to create it.” But when do we create it? In the past? Well, the past has some influence on us, doesn’t it? Do we create the future in the future? I’m not sure how that would work. I’m convinced that we create it in the present.

?For years I’ve attempted to practice meditation. I know that it’s good for the mind and the soul. But, man, is it difficult for me to do! For even a few minutes. You see, as soon as I get in my meditation pose, I start thinking about all sorts of things. Sometimes, about what I SHOULD have done. (The past.) Often, about what I HAVE to do the rest of the day. (The future.) ?Almost never about NOTHING. The key to meditating is to learn to think about nothing. That’s incredibly difficult for me to do…or not do. As my sensei tries to guide me, just be here…. NO! I can’t! What if…? Be present! Okay…. NO!

Most leaders that I know, whether they acknowledge it or not, have difficulty being here. In the present. Listening to the person speaking to them. I know, not you, but let’s talk about others…. Or me…. When I’m supposed to be listening, I immediately refer to my past. Yeah. Been there done that. I often don’t even know what the person speaking to me is saying because I’m reliving the past. To help the speaker of course, with the benefit of my experience. Been there. Done that! Really?! NO! It was different then. None of us have been there nor done that!

And the future is constantly attempting to influence me. What shall I do once I straighten out this person speaking to me? Maybe I’ll do this. Or that. When will they stop talking? Let’s get on with me fixing you!

I had what I believe to be a profound thought just now. The future is happening right now! All that I prepared to do one day is happening, or not, right now! And as much as I try to affect that future, it’s going to happen in the present! Isn’t that profound? Call me if you need more explanation.

Here’s the truth. We only live now! In the present. It’s a gift! Try to prepare for the future by learning from the past, but practice being effective, being YOU, right here, right now. Focus on what you can do right now. And if you intend to be an Effective Leader, be here, listening to understand, right now. With. ME! Not somewhere else. It will pay off. You may even learn something. Something really important. Then, you can consider the future.

Until next time,



bob vásquez!





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