The present dilemma is existential. Wake up folks!
Andrea Skhy, MSW
Thought Leader, Social Media, Author, Investor, Peace Builder, Mover&Shaker
Well guys I am learning a lot about myself, (LoL) and the dilemma of “no room at the Inn”. ?? It turns out I am incompetent, I can’t sell, and am not a good fit for anything. Imagine that! Oh, and I almost forgot the pronouncement of the trinidadian “ you’re a f*#@>!g failure!? He insisted he doesn’t take “no” for an answer, a result of which I had to go get checked for nanobots otherwise known as STD’s! Thank goodness no organisms made the crossing. LoL? Furthermore, to some I am a child. I just received a call from someone after texting another to figure out a place for the night. They were collecting funds for autistic kids and wanted MEEEEE to make a donation! LOLOLOL? This would be a grand comedy if it weren’t so tragic.? After all, it is hard to accept that we are on different wavelengths, isn’t it (?) though much of what I have shared would not be known by many if they lived to be centenarians! LOL Instead of recognizing its worth, and the cost it has incurred to share, you are made out to be an anomaly and left to fall through the cracks. Have you ever seen the flowers growing there? Yes (!) life is insistent isn’t it, despite all the mayhem.
I have had three jobs thus far this year. First, my Supervisor Carlos worked overtime to make sure I didn’t succeed, by providing a device not configured for sales. Then telling me I had to buy a subscription from the company to use wifi in the field, a staple requirement of the job!? You wouldn’t believe the shenanigans! When I finally got a working device 6 weeks later (!) I was transferred to a Supervisor in another county who was off the charts for incivility.? The next job, in less than a week, I was fired by Jessica in rather hostile fashion, told I couldn’t sell and threatened when I showed up to collect my check which was not enough $$. I had called ahead. Furthermore she refused to give a letter of termination after screaming at me, so EBT wouldn’t approve food stamps! ?? No home, no income, no food. But illegal immigrants have.? Go figure! The 3rd, I was dismissed after 10 days by trainer Diana with no explanation given. But my coworkers did make a determined effort to let me know I was “different”. LOL? After all, who uses the word “copious” one said ?! LOLOLOL The most insane work environment ever!??
There is no doubt I am different, but aren’t we all?? Goodness gracious, if the fellow elected in 2020 could get a job at 77 years old with his performance, (lol) surely I am a very eligible candidate! LOL? At least I can remember my name. LOL This really is a serious situation.? Imagine sleeping in your car in Florida in this sauna????!!! Someone just suggested I get a job at a convenience store.? Really guys?? That would be safer???!? This has been going on for decades.? It didn’t start with covid.? A parent was intent on destroying any possible career.? (You know the Darth Vader story lol).? The irony is that the disability office has determined I am capable of work. They are not of the opinion that I lack the necessary skills after careful review. So at this stage of life, I must get a job despite the repeated firings (for no good reason), or EBT will cancel my eligibility!? What a crock?! However you want to view this, senior or child, I am screwed!? Really guys after all I have contributed to this country???????!!? Where is the love??? LOLOL?
If that wasn’t bad enough, on a recording for one of the community resources was this monologue informing they do not assist directly with resources but they do coordinate such services for all counties.? The sad part is the female recorder is in the business of creating homelessness. I know her well. In fact, she has taken up to stalking me lately, in the grocery store, at the library etc. complete with oral missiles though I have said nothing to this woman.? LOL The way this works is they tear up the place, then charge you for services to fix it or give you a substandard “quality of living”.? I think you need to get the book guys:? God’s Folly & the American Dream. Amazon has posted questionable material above it but ignore them. LOL? I need a roof over my head. LOLOLOL This is an existential crisis.? They have me going all over the place with no vacancies when you show up. In fact Matthews Hope Ministries informed today that they will not provide lodging unless vaccinated, nor job referrals for that matter, so they are committed to perpetrating homelessness. This is beyond disturbed.? Quite cruel actually… and all for telling the truth so we wouldn’t continue to go in circles.? The cost has been immense!?
Now to the matter of the FBI raid on the former Prez, I read some rather hilarious remarks. Tom feels “his freedom and democratic way of life was attacked from the day Trump took office, not to mention the coup, fomenting an insurrection. “His over 30K lies and distortions in 4 years make a mockery of the US presidency” he said.? But aren’t Congress all perjurers…?? Running our financial institutions on fractional reserve banking, creating recessions, depressions, bail-outs, wars to create money, as the false country has not been solvent for decades! ? I am not sure why we are still having elections as if all is business as usual.? Do we not need to end this charade, fire Congress and install leaders resonant with our constitutional ideals?? Furthermore there would need to be term limits if for no other reason than to infuse new ideas, energy, and talent into the business of building a sustainable INFRASTRUCTURE.
Do you not see guys that they are attempting to create via the scarcity of goods and services, destruction of livestock, the crashing of the economy, the assault to health and wellbeing, the continuing rumbles of war, which you are used to fund, do you not see the delivery of a failed system well below our level of educational, technological and industrial prowess?? It is high time we stood up, and did something about this.? What might we do, you ask?? Surely there are those who could fund televised Ads/messages, billboards, organize rallies and get everyone on the same page on a given day with specified locations nationwide.? It isn’t hard to do.? Is this the sort of country you want to live in? ? Okay, there are so many talented individuals who if funded could get this thing fixed in relatively short order.? Either way, the Federal Reserve has robbed us greatly and needs to go!
I have added the insights of some well informed individuals for you to peruse. It is up to us to stand our ground and get this done.? We have more than enough talent to do so…? Don’t wait until it’s all demolished. Act now!
It’s our country, don’t lose it!
RESOURCES - Thank you to the commentaries presented Fractional Reserve Banking Should we end the Fed - very good END THE FED End the Fed? Steve Bannon, End the Fed.