Presence is a state of mind.
When you finally find yourself in the present moment, it’s as if the whole world is standing still. In this place, your mind is no longer able to think about the day ahead nor remember what happened even an hour ago.?
I found myself living in this place of presence without intentionally planning to. One day, I realized that my awareness had shifted and that I was completely living in the moment. In this newfound awareness, I also realized that the present is the only place there is. I feel connected to the world around me, to nature, animals, and other human beings in this place. They feel connected to me because I am fully there. The connection becomes tangible as if you can touch it, and the realization that we are all one becomes a potent reality.?Here, vitality lives, and I am fully alive and one with the energy around me. In this energy, we only live in this moment right here, right now.?
In this energy, true listening will occur. Those around you will feel heard and validated by your presence. You hear every word said and more. I hear my heartbeat, and I can hear my own breath. Being present is contagious, and those around you will also be there with you by default. If there are no thoughts or discussions of the future or past, there is only one place left.?
I know now, it’s the only place to be.?
Awakening: Coming Into Existence of Awareness
In this place of presence, you are naturally and completely living in a surrendered state. Everything that comes your way has already been let go. You cannot hold grudges or resentments because you are reborn in each moment. In each moment, life begins anew, free from negativity. Nothing has a hold on you, and nothing lingers. It’s only when we carry emotions with us from prior moments that resentment can fester. Now, we are free from all that. It’s like you’re made of a slippery substance where nothing sticks.?
Here in this place, there is complete freedom. Freedom from all the things that we are attached to and all the things we think we care about. We are no longer bothered by what people think or their opinions. The afflictions of the human condition are long gone.?
The way we end up in this place is by letting go of resistance to what is. Letting go of the past and?the future. All that is…is. We begin by letting go of trying to fix, plan, resist, or adjust what life brings. All those actions ramp up mind activity and take you out of the present by either dragging you back into the past or pushing you into the future. Without planning, fixing, resisting, and adjusting, what are we really left with? When we no longer try, there is no more activity – only the present moment.?
Take a look at all the places where there is resistance and learn how to fully surrender to each of them. In this way, you live in the present by default because there is nothing left to resist. If there is no resistance, your mind becomes still because it has nothing to do and nothing to focus on. In this place with no resistance, the mind stops. It can no longer control, fix, plan, or do anything to run from the underlying anxiety and resistance that affects us all.?
Notice the special and mostly small moments of magic that surround us all the time. Notice if you free your awareness, you can meet those moments without trying. Become aware of the energy of presence without trying, without effort.?
Simple acts that bring you into the present might be walking in the woods, listening to the wind, or sitting on the beach are great places to begin. Notice where your mind is. Where is your mind when you listen to music or are with an animal? Listen. Focus. Observe your breath. If you shift and stay with the moment, you will find tremendous comfort there.?
If the mind is still, there is no resistance. All you have is the present moment, and in that moment, there is only infinite love. When we are free from rules and limitations, we are free to hear the divine voice inside.?