?We are a fragment of Source, nurtured through the primordial waters of the womb of Prime Creator. In wholeness, All is divine, teaching us to remember the miraculous wonder of awareness integrated within this human dream.
Every day we awake through New eyes. Observing through our Avatar bodies our perception which varies by our range of emotions and triggers; purposely intended to awaken us from the veils of illusion, based off of how we respond to our perception. We are never the same person from moment to moment , though our linear minds tell us something different, we are always evolving as is our counterpart and every human being on Earth.
Through this awareness, we are learning acceptance in order to allow ourselves to go as deep with that which Spirit aligns with our Soul. Everything that is in our presence was ordered through our vibrational alignment of emotion and thought. Surrender to the Youniverse welcomes excitement to truly Love in this moment.
Nothing happens that is not in alignment with our vibrational match and frequency. Nobody comes or goes from your life except through Soul’s choice to vibrate towards something different that allows New awareness.
Everything is exactly as it is suppose to BE, NOW and always. Divine Love teaches us to receive these lessons. Life is an adventure extraordinaire, might as well enjoy the ride in joy and laughter.
Perhaps we should love the presence, it’s truly all we have.
Elayne Le Monde
Artist: Dewang Gupta