Brian Bosley
Dad, Son, Grandpa B, Podcaster, Coach, Speaker, & “Word-Smithing Barn Cat” w/ The Bamboo Lab
In her groundbreaking book, Presence, Amy Cuddy lists some questions that can truly help us to identify the best parts of ourselves. Taking the time to write your answers down can be an enlightening exercise for you.
What three words best describe you as an individual?
What is unique about you that leads to your happiest times and best performance?
Reflect on a specific time-at work or at home- when you were acting in a way that felt "natural" and "right". How can you repeat that behavior today?
What are your signature strengths and how can you use them?
Oftentimes we focus on the negative aspects of our personality and behavior. While that can be necessary at times, we tend to replicate that upon which we focus most of our time and thoughts. That being said, spend more time reflecting on the best parts of yourself. Give those parts the opportunity to take root.
Please contact me at anytime with questions, requests, or feedback.
Choose Success!
Brian Bosley
Performance Coach and Professional Speaker
Torch Consulting
Direct line 616.366.2789