PreSales Times by PreSkale (Print 36 - 12Oct22)
PreSkale (Acquired by Storylane)
All-in-one PreSales Intelligence platform for B2B teams
?? What's going on?
??Content Spotlight
Acing the Live Demo: 5 Tactics You Can Take from Tennis
Lyndsey highlights some striking parallels between the best SEs and great tennis players:
To get more insights on the similarities between an SE and a tennis player, click here.
???Podcast Spotlight
Hiring SEs: A recruiting perspective w/Jessica Andrelevich?
By Alex & Conor Meng
Jessica discusses key qualities to find in a candidate while hiring an SE. Following is a list of the significant points she makes:
To learn and understand more about SE’s recruiting process, click here.
???Webinar Spotlight
Building Highly Effective Presales Organizations w/Marjorie Abdelkrime [VMware], Teresa Bell McLain [Splunk], and Joe Scherer [Okta].?
By Eric Glick
In this webinar, great PreSales leaders like Marjorie, Teresa, and Joe discuss their individual projects and how they gained valuable insights from them. Some interesting observations that they all had in common across their experiences are:
To learn from their individual experiences with PreSales, click here.
?? Upcoming Events
OCTOBER 13: PSC Bay Area Networking Event [PreSales Collective Event]
OCTOBER 18: Sales/PreSales Relationships: How to Build an Effective Partnership [PreSales Collective Event]
OCTOBER 20: PSC New York Networking Event [PreSales Collective Event]
Thanks to, #Content Highlights: Lyndsey Weber - Acing the Live Demo: 5 Tactics You Can Take from Tennis #Podcast Highlights: Alexander Navarrete & Conor Meng - Hiring SEs: A recruiting perspective w/Jessica Andrelevich? #Webinar Highlights: Eric Glick - Building Highly Effective Presales Organizations w/Marjorie Abdelkrime [VMware], Teresa Bell McLain [Splunk], and Joe Scherer [Okta].? Special thanks to PreSales Collective, Sales Engineers of New York (SENY), and the #presales #community