Prepping for Derby VIPs
Those of us who call Louisville home know that it sells itself, but many VIPs only experience the city through parties and the main racing event. It’s up to me and my team to make sure they get the best of the city for the short time they’re here.
Who is a VIP?
Most people associate the acronym V.I.P. with celebrities, especially around Derby when Louisville is flooded with recognizable faces. But most VIPs are decision makers from companies and you wouldn’t be able to pick them out of a crowd.
Personalization is Key
Every department from the front desk to housekeeping is informed of the imminent arrival of a VIP. The key to providing an exceptional experience to a guest that is used to luxury is a personal touch. This may mean a personal welcome from the general manager or an exclusive amenity in the room.
Housekeeping is put on alert. This means multiple room inspections and special attention to detail. Does the VIP prefer tea to coffee? Done. Does this VIP want an extra pillow? Done. The list of preferences and requests goes on and on. Is the VIP traveling with a pet? Do they need transportation? Are they traveling alone or with a group? Where do they prefer to dine and when do they need reservations? All these questions and more must be answered before the VIP checks in.
True hospitality is anticipating your guests needs. This is said so often that it has become a platitude, but it is a learned skill that is full of nuance. To pull it off without a hitch takes experience.
Celebrities and the Kentucky Derby go together like peas and carrots. Hosting a VIP celebrity takes a disciplined respect for privacy. Sure, it would be great for the hotel’s PR team to announce that such and such is staying on property for the Derby, but not so great for the celebrity. Most VIPs with celebrity status are generous with photos in the lobby when they are spotted, but would prefer not to have their presence announced to the press.
Keeping our list of celebrity guests secret is just another way we provide excellent service.
Build a Network
Building a strong network of attractions, dining, and services around the city is key to being able to accommodate the craziest of requests. A big part of being a VIP host is knowing who to call to get X done. Whether it being tailoring a jacket to delivering a case of champagne.
It’s a handful of weeks before the festivities begin. Our planning is well underway for this year’s VIP guests. With the new Galt House slowly being revealed and a troupe of well-known jockey staying at our hotel, this will be a particularly exciting year. I look forward to sharing the onsite action with you as the Run for the Roses approaches.