Preparing For A Zoom Interview
The world is a-changing…
Zoom took the world by storm during the Coronavirus Pandemic…
Some lottery winners invested heavily in zoom stock, but for the rest of us – we need to work!
And, if you are in a job search… There is a VERY high probability you will be conducting a zoom interview.
Zoom – Facetime interviews are a little tricky.
First off there tends to be frequent technical errors…
Two parties who did not prep for call leads to constant issues.
If an issue does arise with your connection OR interview itself – be prepared to take a phone interview.
This is a frequent outcome… do not shut down, panic, or just assume “no interview today.”
When preparing for a zoom interview – act as if you are prepping for a phone and in person interview.
- Dress professionally (full body… just incase)
o Remember business appropriate attire is always the safest bet
- Smile and be warm as in an in person interview
- Body language is key… No slouching…
- Have your resume, notes, and key questions you would like to ask handy & out of view…
o Like a phone interview you can cheat and have tools are your disposal!
The interview is a hybrid prepare as such…
Now here are some tips on how to CRUSH the interview…
- Expert eye contact… Its awkward but when talking look at your camera (on top of phone or laptop)… When listening look at screen – occasionally peering at camera
- Body language further… Stay half an arms length away from your device, sit upright, and smile
- Sit in front of a window (it will cause glare in they will not see you)
- Do not have any politically driven material behind you
- To add to the above note – NOTHING that could potentially generate an opinion about you should be in view (weapons, deer heads, etc.)
My final tip is DON’T over think it.
Sure its new, and therefore scary…
But, you’re awesome and GOT this…