Preparing Your Home For a Home Inspection! Be Prepared Before You List!!

Preparing Your Home For a Home Inspection! Be Prepared Before You List!!



This is what a home inspector will be looking at and how you can prepare for a home inspection. The listing below may be helpful in preparing for a home inspection. Many of these items can be done with little or no cost and many are regular maintenance items for a home.


1. Remove grade or mulch from contact with siding. Six (6) or more inches of clearance is preferred.

2. Clean out dirty gutters or debris from the roof.

3. Divert all water away from the house; i.e. downspouts, sump pump, condensation drains, and the like. Grade should slope away from the structure. Clean out basement entry drains.

4. Trim trees, roots and bushes back from the foundation, roof siding and chimney.

5. Paint all weathered exterior wood and caulk around the trim, chimney, windows and doors.

6. Seal asphalt driveways, if cracking, or caulk concrete.

7. Seal or point up masonry chimney caps. Install metal flue cap.

8. Clean or replace HVAC filter. Clean dirty air returns and plenum.

9. Point up any failing mortar joints in brick or block.

10. Test all smoke detectors to ensure they are in safe working condition.

11. Update attic ventilation if none is present.

12. Have the chimney, fireplace or wood stove cleaned and provide the buyer with a copy of the cleaning record.

13. Seal masonry walls in the basement if dampness occurs.

14. Don’t do quick cheap repairs. You may raise questions that will unfairly cause great concern to buyers and     inspectors.

15. Ensure that all doors and windows are in proper operating condition, including repairing or replacing any cracked windowpanes.

16. Ensure that all plumbing fixtures (toilet, tub, shower, and sinks) are in proper working conditions. Check for and fix any leaks.

17. Install GFCI receptacles near all water sources. Test all present GFCI receptacles for proper operation.

18. Check sump pump for proper operation.

19. Replace any burned out light bulbs.

20. Remove rotting wood and/or firewood from contact with the house.

21. Ensure that proper grading is followed under a deck.

22. Install proper vapor barrier in crawl spaces.

23. Caulk all exterior wall penetrations around trim and windows.

24. Check to ensure that the crawl space is dry and install a proper vapor barrier if necessary. Remove any     visible moisture from a crawl space. Moisture levels in wood should be below 18% to deter rot and mildew.

25. Check that bath vents are properly vented and in working condition.

26. Remove paints, solvents, gas, and similar materials from crawl space, basement, attic, porch, and so forth.

27. If windows are at or below grade, install window wells and covers.

28. Have clear access to attic, crawl space, heating system, garage and other areas that will need to be inspected.

29. If the house is vacant, make sure that all utilities are turned on, including water, electric, water heater,

      furnace, air conditioning and breaks in the main panel.

30. Check decks for lag bolts on attachment to house.

31. Provide copies of receipts of any prior work or repairs or warranty

      that are transferable to the new buyer.

32. Provide copies of any prior inspections or reports to the new buyer.

 Getting Ready to List Your Home?? Contact Homes by Sarah




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