Preparing Personnel for the Successful Use of Technologies Important and Useful Information for Owners, HR Specialists, Managers, Engineers and Techno
Dan W. Rosenfield, E.T., Ed.D., Six Sigma Black Belt (Lean), ISO Auditor, Safety
Creative developer/consultant of easy to understand and use manuals & guides for industry and business. Especially practical EHS & 6 Sigma training & functional materials development. Safety, Accuracy and Sanity First!
Preparing Personnel for the Successful Use of Technologies
Important and Useful Information for Owners, HR Specialists, Managers, Engineers and Technical Personnel
The TeCEDS, L.L.C.??? Daniel W. Rosenfield, E.T., Ed.D.??? Six Sigma Black Belt (Lean) and ISO Auditor Rev. 03-2024
Cincinnati, Ohio??? 513-382-5230??? [email protected]
Call it? “An unnecessary bothersome expense; a pain in the patoot - trivial to our success – not worth the time and money."
Claim that your managers, supervisors and engineers have all the time and talent in the world to do a great job of creating work-instructions and training the troops and that no-one needs a manual of instructions or training. Say what you want but please understand that preparing your personnel to understand and successfully use technology can help insure your company's long-term success and survival.
Today, the goal of building and maintaining a successful technology-anchored company by gaining and retaining the competitive edge in the market-place will be achieved from its efforts and successes in developing, nurturing and enabling its personnel to develop and exercise accurate job-knowledge-based decision making skills and actions that improve their job-performance and their ability to rapidly and effectively change with the times.
Properly designed consistently applied Technology Transfer and Training programs and the supporting job and safety instructional documents will develop, nurture and enable your personnel to develop the attitudes and attributes that will contribute robustly to your company's quest for success.
The term Technology Transfer and Training defines a philosophy and its practices of personnel training and technical support that differ from previous training philosophies and practices such as: “Training, pshaw... its trivial to our success - they'll learn it the way I learned it ... by the sweat of me brow ... aaargh”, and ... "We don't need training or technical-manuals and all that stuff” ... I’ll just tell the 1st shift people to stay over to tell the 2nd. shift people what to do - and then the 2nd shift will ...", or "Anybody can get this thing to work if they'll just read those manuals the manufacturer packed in those packing-crates … Oh! No!, they're using them to level it!"
Technology Transfer and Training is not new. We didn't invent training, the idea of transferring technical ideas or coin the catchy TT&T tag. What we did do was learn how to make TT&T work for you. The application of the TT&T philosophy and practices to the development of documentation and training has proven repeatedly to be quite effective. TT&T philosophy and practices guide the development and achievement of successful training and 'technical-support-structure' programs.
This presentation will introduce The Technical Communication, Education and Documentation Service (The TeCEDS), some of our ideas, and our proven expertise in developing and implementing successful TT&T programs for you and your technical-personnel, and your customers. Our Mission:
1. To evaluate, understand and define your company's immediate and longer term needs, goals and objectives for technical-personnel training and the technical support structure.
2. To evaluate, understand and define the required job knowledge(s) and skills, your technical-personnel's learning styles and technical/interpersonal job-skill strengths.
3. To use that understanding to develop an action-plan and schedule for the design, production and implementation of a TT&T program that will contribute to the goal: Improved job performance that leads to your company's success.
4. To develop TT&T programs that will cause to develop within an individual a professional attitude toward self and company, and a willingness to gain the technical expertise and job-skills that contribute to his or her, and the company's success.
5. To conduct our business in a professional manner - demonstrating, through our actions and respect for you, your personnel, and your company:
·?? By discussing all aspects of your TT&T program with appropriate individuals, from initial consultation to completion;
·?? By maintaining confidentiality during and after the TT&T program;
·?? By minimizing our intrusions into personnel and your activities;
·?? By pursuing and providing accurate, current and complete information;
·?? By providing regular progress updates;
·?? By encouraging post-implementation evaluation and updating;
·?? By working on-site if possible or hybrid if preferred.
We have reaped the benefits of being on-site such as: developing rapport with the TT&T program participants and having real-time access to live subject matter expert resources of information and review (validation).
TT&T programs will be produced on-site at nearly 'real-time', with timely validation of the approved materials.
Everyone in the TT&T program contributes knowledge - encouraging cooperation and the use of the completed activities and materials.
Accuracy and usability improve by including real-time job experiences and reviews.
Our experiences have taught us that a TT&T program should begin during the first stages of your project and continue throughout the entire project. That’s the best way to do it. The TeCEDS will work with you to create a TT&T program plan with flexibility built in if needed to accommodate your time, budget and operating constraints.
The ability for us to perform our TT&T program to your and our satisfaction depends upon our mutually agreed upon working arrangements. The earlier in your technology program the arrangements are discussed and agreed upon the smoother more economical and enjoyable your TT&T program will be.
Understanding the terms we use during your TT&T program. The TeCEDS' TT&T glossary, the jargon, as we see it:
Technology: The science behind a complex-complicated 'technical-thing', developed in someone's mind, that is expected to contribute to your company's profit. Technical things can be tough to understand and use especially when the who, why's, what's, where's, when's, and how's are not explained and learned property (transferred) and there are no usable technical materials to refer to or training - in which case big problems lie ahead.
·?? Will there be a rapid return-on-investment? Maybe, if the technical-thing is understood by all who have to work with it.
·?? Job-knowledge and the understanding of technical things and the abilities to apply them on-the-job construct the 'footer and foundation' for the successful application to any technology in the "techno-structured workplace". On-going TT&T programs enable future successful expansion of that entity.
Technology Transfer: The term transfer infers that training is the art of skillfully getting specific technical knowledge, concepts, ideas, job-skills, etc. out of someone's mind into the minds of those who must apply the technology to make a product. Technology Transfer occurs only when any real or imagined mental-blocks (learner's) are removed. Skilled application of the 'art of technology transfer' (training) reduces many mental-blocks and minimizes trainee grumbling.
·?? Throwing 'technical-things' at unprepared personnel does not contribute to your company's success and profits because their knowledge, understanding and application skills necessary to apply the "technical-things' quickly and productively have, probably, not been developed. Throwing personnel at unprepared technical-things isn't recommended, either – it’s not pretty.
·?? The diligent, continuing preparation and support of your personnel enable them to accurately and safely apply their knowledge, skills and understanding to improve their job performance. Their response to rapidly changing technology and the market-place will become easier, faster, less painful and less costly and your company will be able to respond quicker with consistently higher quality to get its product out of the mind of the developer and off the line into the hands of your customers.
Training: Topic-specific education, such as: machine and line startup, trouble-shooting, hazardous-material handling, conveyor maintenance, metal removing procedures, safety, cleaning, and customer service techniques.
·?? The ability fulfill the need for a rapid response to the changing technologies and marketplace and rapid achievement of profitability depends upon everyone's grasp of what’s going on. Getting everyone to grasp what's going on mandates that a company commit to the diligent and continuing preparation and support of its personnel with properly designed and implemented pre-event and on-going TT&T programs.
·?? Your technical-personnel really determine the speed of the return-on-investment and profit.
·?? For efficacy, efficiency, project-integrity and economy, TT&T programs should be designed and conducted by or in conjunction with skilled field-experienced technical-educators and trainers who are committed to work with you from the first technical-fiscal planning stages to the updating of your TT&T program and the technical-support-structure. The TeCEDS makes that commitment and follows through.
Adult-Learning: Many adults try to learn because they have to. The reason(s)?: “That stuff is obsolete and being upgraded ..., the boss said I gotta take this class - my job depends on knowing this new stuff.", "I gotta' run that thing and I don't even know what a 'frammis-stator' is”, “How do they expect me to adjust it or (gasp) fix it now without any manuals?", or "I don't understand the gibberish in this manual, HELP!!"
·?? Being told to learn and having to learn, because, can cause mental-blocks to form within us. Proper technology training and support techniques and materials will help tear down those mental blocks,
·?? Grown-ups' learning differ little from youngsters' needs to be able to relax, not feel threatened, be respected, and have properly prepared, presented and immediately useful knowledge and skills presented. Addressing those needs makes it easier to learn, retain and apply technical knowledge and skills. Serving cookies and milk and other refreshments plus breaks during TT&T activities is nice, too!
Job-Knowledge: Your company's job-description document defines the job requirements and characteristics (TeCEDS can help you with that, too). Specific to your technical-personnel, it should include:
·?? General and specific job responsibilities and the non-technical behaviors required to accurately, consistently and safely perform within the work-environment;
·?? The specific job technologies, identified by the specific 'job-description', that he or she will be responsible and accountable for properly and safely while performing routine activities; and required to master through training and experiences within a defined time-period. The confirmation of that mastery to be determined by valid evaluation tools and methods;
·?? The various technologies, not in the specific job-description, that he or she will be exposed to during routine activities, and will be required to master in order to become eligible for additional responsibilities as they become available;
·?? The specific process and parameters for evaluating the results of training, the evaluation-feedback process; re-training and re-evaluation if indicated by the findings of the evaluation.
The TeCEDS uses job-description information throughout TT&T program development. Its use is mandatory for the development of accurate and useable TT&T materials and to keep your project (and personnel) on-track. We will assist you in developing a job-description if one is not available.
Product/Process Creator (maybe an engineer): Someone who thinks up the complex-complicated 'technical-things' for someone-else to make work. This individual might not have the time, inclination or skill to write a technical-manual, prepare documentation or train others. Her or his time can be better applied to thinking-up the ideas and the technical things that will make product and profit.
? Technicians support this person. It can take a group of skilled and knowledgeable technicians to get a technical-thin' up and running and working reliably. Their early involvement during the development of your TT&T program is highly recommended.
We have learned that starting a TT&T program during the first stage of your 'technical-thing' project, before the physical stage of your project begins, has tangible benefits. Your engineering and technical-personnel, suppliers, consultants and managers can have a 'clearing-house' that can provide some organized, coordinated real-time technical information and The TeCEDS can begin the real-time on-track development of your TT&T program providing TT&T activities and materials from the start.
? Your TT&T project will begin on-track and we're right there to minimize or prevent costly errors in objectives, content, format, activity preparation, etc. Baseline training of personnel can begin.
? We recommend starting your TT&T program before the physical stage of your technology project begins. The development of or building upon your technical-personnels' basic-level knowledge(s) and skills in job safety, machinery operation, selection and safe use of tools and test-equipment, cleaning and maintenance techniques, understanding the goals and objectives of the project, etc., should begin before the need to apply them. We have witnessed quicker and more accurate facility start-ups, technical and process modifications, changeovers and trouble-call responses as tangible results from pre-operations TT&T.
Technician: Technicians support the product/process creator, the operators, maintainers and the builders. This soul is usually the link between the creator and the operators and maintainers, who is supposed to enter the creator's mind, convert her or his brain waves into tangible circuits, structures and procedures - understand them - and then train operators quickly and accurately, usually without benefit of TT&T materials, so product can start to flow onto market-place shelves (a.k.a. return-on-investment, paycheck).
Operator: He or she who has to make that technical-thing work properly and safely every day – often without formal training, the presence of a technician or technical reference materials or any clues as to what the technical-thing is supposed to do or when it's doing it. This person is or will be depended upon to know where the right buttons and dials are, a product-mix formula? what to do when something wails: Looba-loobaa-loooobaaa-snapflap-flap-flap-OOoooo..." at 3 a.m. on a Sunday while you're blissfully asleep. 'S.O.', “Shoulder-Osmosis” - looking over someone's shoulder - is a common mode of training the operator.
Technology Transfer and Training (TT&T): A formalized philosophy guiding and controlling the process of identifying what the technology user has to know and applying that knowledge to create an inviting package of words, graphics, hands-on experiences, technical-manuals and evaluations. It's an attitude, too: Individuals can learn and will learn [probably] if both the technical information and they (individuals), are property prepared.
TT&T Specialist-Trainer: The training, communications and job experienced technical-person who has mastered the ability to communicate complicated and complex technical information in a humanely understandable way and has the attitude and a thorough knowledge of:
? Why and how we learn, retain knowledge, develop and apply technical job-skills and what fosters successful life-long learning;
? How to analyze general and technical jobs: the job functions and parameters;
? How to visualize, plan, design and implement an efficient and effective classroom, hands-on experiences and facilities; and develop the training goals and the materials to support those goals and evaluate the results;
? How to design, construct and conduct your 'TT&T project from start to finish with minimal intrusion into your facility's operations or your time;
? How to prepare and present efficient, effective verbal, written, and pictorial technical information for use in training and day-to-day operations;
? How to work with all levels of company personnel and the supplier folks to get accurate, timely information; and to develop a positive, cooperative, TT&T attitude within them;
? How to make the TT&T experiences pleasant for everyone.
Style: The look, feel, 'vibes' of a technical-document or class as perceived by the user. Technical training classes and materials can be really scary: strange photos (see what where?) and photocopied tiny type; too boring; wrong or obsolete information; and thought-provoking residue(s) on page surfaces; or boring, unprepared, rigid, weird instructors who are really not nice.
? While TT&T content is determined by management, styles should be determined by those who will actually use the materials and/or attend the classes. Management should not dictate style based upon: "... this is what I used.", or, "humor and pretty pictorials have no place in technical materials.", or "...blecch to it all … they'll figure it out"
What style will work? A style that promotes personnel interest and active participation in your TT&T program and the use of its materials on the job. It is the style that everyone, more or less, agrees upon. The TeCEDS will provide guidance.
? TT&T can be lively and invigorating or mind-numbingly dull, demeaning and discouraging. Styles range from bone-dry and ugly to those which command attention and active use - the result of injecting a healthy dose of reality, humanity, a touch of appropriate humor and active personnel participation in your TT&T development program.
We have researched the 'style' subject and found no laws stating that people must be subjected to mind-numbing materials or activities or instructors in order to learn and apply technical knowledge and skills. It's not natural. The military knows that. Remember K-12 schooling?
Technical Support-Structure: Your company's commitment to providing: clear, concise, accurate and immediately applicable technical-information; managerial cooperation, "tech" manuals and what-ever it takes to expeditiously get the user of a 'technical-thing' - your personnel or your customer - job competent and remaining so for the duration of that technical-thing's usefulness.
The TeCEDS’ TT&T programs promote the production of consistent product, consistently. When your personnel communicate properly and know what's going on - what the results should be and how to run the facility so that consistent quality is the norm - shift-to-shift variations will be reduced and productivity will increase. Properly designed technical manuals, training sessions and other skill and knowledge building activities will help to accomplish that goal.
? Because of their new knowledge about their jobs and how the 'technical-things' work, many of the problems that have required outside intervention will be solved quickly with less down-time by operators and technicians.
? The TeCEDS' TT&T programs can help ward-off evil techno-happenings. There will be fewer (or no) loose-ends dangling from critical information or activities that can let the evil techno-happenings happen.
The TeCEDS has the experience and the skills to research, design, develop, deliver, evaluate, update, and manage your TT&T program throughout its life.
Technology Transfer and Training, and Technical-Support-Structure programs from The TeCEDS enable your personnel to develop the skills and actions that cause improved job performance and their ability to rapidly change with the times contributing to your company's goal of gaining and retaining the competitive edge in the market-place. The TeCEDS will provide these TT&T services to you and your company:
? Manage or co-manage, with your liaison, your TT&T program - start-to-finish on-site or off-site. We will also teach your technical-personnel how to develop new TT&T programs and how to keep your TT&T materials current, if requested;
? Design, develop, publish and deliver comprehensive TT&T materials and activities for classroom, hands-on, and individualized training;
? Provide live (and alive) technically skilled, properly prepared instructors who can inspire most apprehensive learners with supportive training methods that can transfer immediately useable technical knowledge, skills, and related topics while maintaining an admirable 'transfer-to-grumble' ratio;
? Train for problem anticipation, recognition and diagnostic skills, and preventative maintenance programs and procedures;
? Training of technical troubleshooting methods, selection and the safe use of proper testing equipment and testing procedures and how to interpret, use, and communicate the results;
? Training of interpersonal communication stalls for operators, technicians, engineers and managers, and suppliers;
? Training of electronics, electricity, electro-mechanical hydraulic systems, testing-equipment selection and operation, other technologies; and safety;
? Training for plant safety;
? Technical personnel-to-customer communications skills;
? Generation and coordination of materials for ISO certification;
? Training of job-related math, sciences, general and technical comprehension skills;
? Other skill areas.
Copyright 1992, revised 02-2024