Preparing for Parenthood
Patrick Falls ????
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Hey Bastion Readers,
Our first series starts with a huge topic — preparing for parenthood. Parents follow many paths and steps when preparing for parenthood. Their journeys come in all shapes and sizes as some may spend years planning, find themselves greeted with a more urgent surprise, or even accept children through fostering or adopting. Partners may find it easy to agree on a planning path or struggle along the way.
This series is geared toward providing tips for navigating those tough choices when it comes to planning. You can expect this digital library to have posts related to health, finances, baby items, planning strategies, and even some guidance on how to approach the time you accept a child into your life.
While this serves as a general introduction, look for the Preparing for Parenthood category in our library if you are still in the planning stages.
I cannot wait to share more with you soon. Thanks for joining us.