Preparing for Moving Day: A Checklist

Preparing for Moving Day: A Checklist

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The negotiation haggling is over, the inspection is history, and the nail-biting escrow period has closed. Now comes the tough part - moving.

Moving can be an especially stressful time. So many details to oversee, children and pets to appease, and the tension that comes with leaving family and friends, and the thought of starting your life over in a new community.

But you're not alone. Some 43 million U.S. residents - 16 percent of the population - moved to a new residence during the period from March 1999 to March 2000, the period in which most recent figures are available.

And the summer months are the most popular times for moves, usually so a child's school year isn't interrupted. While preparing a child for the big move is important, it's equally important that you keep your cool, stay organized, and present the upcoming move as a positive thing.

"Research tells us that moving is usually one of the most stressful events in a person's life, ranked as high as the death of a loved one or divorce," said Joe Harrison, president of the American Moving and Storage Association. "But with the right kind of planning and care, you can make your move a lot less stressful."

One of the best ways to do that is to stay organized and use countdown checklists, such as the ones below.

One month before the move:

Review your moving arrangements.

Start a log of moving expense receipts.

Get estimates from moving companies.

Arrange for storage facility.

Arrange transport service for vehicles or pets, if needed.

Contact your bank, arrange transfer of accounts.

Submit change-of-address forms to the U.S. Postal Service

Give day care provider notice that you will be withdrawing your child.

Contact new schools, arrange for transfer of records.

Contact your doctors. Get referrals for new physicians.

Change your property, auto, and medical insurance policies.

Organize important documents in a fire-safe box.

Cancel newspaper subscriptions. Change your address on magazine subscriptions.

Arrange for temporary housing, if needed.

Two weeks before the move:

Hold a garage sale to get rid of the things you don't want to take.

Arrange for disconnection and changeover of utilities.

Take measurements of rooms in your new house. Try to determine where furniture will be placed.

Begin packing things that aren't used on a daily basis.

Try not to buy anymore perishable food items.

One week before the move:

Make an inventory list of all items going with you personally.

Confirm arrangements and dates with moving and storage companies.

Inform friends and relatives of your new address.

Have your cleaning supplies ready.

Pack yard and shed items.

Confirm arrangements with auto and pet transportation companies.

One to two days before the move:

Clean and defrost the refrigerator and freezer.

Close bank accounts.

Purchase traveler's checks, if needed.

Finish all financial matters relating to the sale or lease of your home.

Finish packing all your belongings.

Moving day:

Confirm delivery address, directions and delivery date with movers.

Supervise the move. Make sure boxes are clearly marked.

Thoroughly clean your house or apartment before leaving.

Check thermostat. Make sure doors are closed and locked and appliances are turned off. Leave garage door openers and keys with new owners or renters, if necessary.

Make sure your real estate agent knows how to contact you.

Arrival day

Make sure all utilities are functioning.

Let family and friends know you have arrived safely.

Begin unpacking necessities.

Let your kids begin unpacking and getting their rooms together.

And lastly, kick your feet up, relax, and enjoy!


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