Preparing for Massive Income Growth
Leslie Flowers
Blazing a Trail for the Business Leader | Leveraging the Laws of Achievement and Timeless Success Principles to Create the Aha Moment for Leaders and Drive Their Professional and Personal Transformation.
Whether you dream of winning the Lottery or enjoying a major revenue infusion with the sale of your company, as example, there is something about handling more money than you ever have before, that is daunting. Handling it in such a way that allows you to actually enjoy it and use it the way you have always dreamed. Yet most often it is not so.
The history of people who have lottery windfalls most often ends up disastrous in many ways, including suicide. Why? We dream of having so much and yet when the few of us who achieve it without working toward it over time, run into certain challenges which cannot be ignored, must and can be overcome, but not by dreaming alone.
Twenty lottery winners who lost everything (Business Insider) makes us wonder How it happened and most of all Why. According to multiple studies, about 70% of all lottery winners end up going broke and filing for a bankruptcy. Certainly if WE are to enjoy a financial windfall, we have no intention of losing it all! I suspect neither did they.
One explanation is that when we work for years toward growing a business and we go from zero income to multiple figure annual incomes in spaced increments over time, we learned as we grew in stages of awareness of our abilities. We solved all the challenges and with each solution our income grew. Let's say you actually become a 'vibrational match' to the income you are finally earning. It means you are already 'comfortable' with that amount of money because it has grown gradually. So when we get a windfall, we are surprised and absolutely 'not ready' to manage funds so far out of our comfort zone.
In Napoleon Hill's classic Think and Grow Rich in the chapter on Faith, the second step toward riches, Hill likens this phenomenon this way, "Stated in the words of a famous criminologist, 'When men first come into contact with crime, they abhor it. If they remain in contact with crime for a time, they become accustomed to it, and endure it. If they remain in contact with it long enough, they finally embrace it, and become influenced by it'."
The same principle is required when preparing for great wealth (or anything you want) in your life. You have to create that mindset before you get it. In other words, see yourself and think of yourself as already having great infusions of revenue. You have to Believe it to be true, before you get it; you are then creating, inviting, and attracting 'wealth of all sorts' into your life.
"Just because we don't Yet know how something works, does not mean it isn't working."
For the last ten years I have watched people create a mindset of wealth prior to, and to be ready for that massive income growth and learned what they need to do and know to be comfortable when it arrives so they can revel in their newfound wealth. I have seen in women in particular over the last five years the potential for a hidden growing resentment of life as their bank account grew. I created guidelines to avoid this early and become aware that we actually do have infinite potential and achieving it isn't really that hard.
The question is this to ask yourself: Are you Ready (I mean really ready) to already Be comfortable with great wealth? It's an important question ... and it's fine if you are not. Many of us are happy enough getting along. Others of us have a message and we are focused on expanding our influence to help others. Which are you?
The keys to beginning this 'preparation for wealth' lie in a set of 'benchmarks' for creating exactly what you want and why you want it, and then practicing them yourself. You start with The One Class no one ever took in high school or college ... how to set a goal where you have the best shot at achieving it; not once, but in consistent intervals over time. Haphazard goal setting will not create the belief that you can set and achieve any goal you want (not violating anyone's rights of course) and achieve it with reliability, consistency and predictability.
If you are ready for a massive swell of income, you will want to learn these benchmarks sooner rather than later. I have fourteen thousand hours teaching achievement over the past ten years and you can prepare yourself for massive wealth, without worrying about 'how' you are going to manage it! You can join me Friday December 7th in Raleigh at the Village Grill for a "Masters Goal Setting Workshop" where you will walk away with your 2019 business goals all set and lined up like ducks in a row! Details and Registration Click Here. (
Leslie Thomas Flowers is an SME in performance, achievement and mastermind with over fourteen thousand hours teaching, presenting and writing since 2008. She has authored four books, three of which are Amazon best-sellers US and one (9/25/18) #1 International Amazon best-seller in several countries.