Preparing For A Magento 1 To Magento 2 Migration/Upgrade
Magento2 is steady on the increase within the ever-dynamic world of international e-commerce. Testing is finished and bugs are eradicated. Besides that, several internet stores have already with success migrated to Magento2.
So the time is true to require an in-depth cross-check a number of the foremost necessary variations between Magento2 and its predecessors.
Responsive Web design
The core theme of Magento2 is absolutely responsive such an adaptation that looks very simple and grant developers the opportunity to design online store completely responsive. The version is fully compatible with all smart devices such as desktop, notebooks, tablets and smartphones.
There are many themes to choose from at the moment like general themes as well as customary themes. Few examples are Craft 2.0, Pixtron, SoNice, etc.
Much Safer
Magento2 is much safer as compared to its predecessors. Using pub folder a way to get access to Magento’s those root files which are no longer accessible and developers feel easier to protect code against a wide array of security breaches. Implementing updates and security patches is much easier and faster in Magento2. For ultimate cyber security switching to the latest version of Magento is the wisest choice. Else using unsecured version will lead to password theft, involuntary disclosure of personal information, site slowdown, bug with no fix etc.
New file structure and latest technology
File structure has considerably changed as base views are moved into module structure. Every module has own directory that takes a leap for developers for making customized themes. Magento2 is equipped with latest technology which improves performance. The HTML5 gives the possibility to make themes wholly responsive, whilst CSS3 offers developers a huge range of new visual options.
Default CSS preprocessing
Magento2 is equipped with default CSS preprocessing that makes is easier for developers to expand and maintain the system, speeds up front-end development while using complex themes. Lees is considered to be default CSS preprocessor for Magento2 but developers also install Saas and compass according to the requirement.
Highly flexible front-end library
Highly flexible front-end library harbors all core elements from Magento2 front end and these elements can be adjusted. The examples include dropdowns, breadcrumbs, buttons, navigation and many more. The technology makes developer task easier and offers the opportunity to change existing themes according to liking or even create entirely new one.
User friendliness
Another exciting feature of Magento2 interface is its user friendliness. The component shop management consists of products, content and marketing system management takes care of configuration, terms and conditions, tax rules. Due to extremely improved layout and structure adding new products to shop and changes in existing ones has become very simpler and easier.
Faster loading time
This feature has brought smile on faces because the interface elements are directed by modules themselves and a system that works with fewer and lighter elements leads to a big reduction in loading time. Full page caching is easy to use n Magento2. Adding products to the shopping cart will cost customers half the time then they used to spend with earlier version which is likely to increase sales.
Automatic Testing
Mageto2 comes with flawless testing framework, which improves performance on large scale. The platform allows developers to create their own tests for ensured and immediate success when online store goes live.
New Extensions
Magento2 platform has been quickly catching up because hundreds of extensions available. These newly added extensions pave the way for lot of extra functionalities.
Magento2 and B2B
Magento2 also suits with Business to Business platform
The new platform works very well with Business to Business platform and to manage the task version is equipped with many features such as account management, taking care of tender applications, creating product ranges and order list, imposing credit limits, use SKU numbers for online orders and to reorder products that were placed earlier.
If you need advise regarding upgrade from magento1 to magento2. Please email at [email protected] or whatsapp at +918860610510.