Preparing for the FUTURE - Learning from Corona
Saurabh Varma
Senior Program Manager specializing in Organizational Change Management and Process Improvement
While #corona has brought the world to its knees, have we prepared ourselves enough to survive in the post-corona world?
My two cents…
#Coronavirus propagates through the cough/ sneeze droplets and physical contact. Have we learnt our lesson and are prepared to always be equipped with tissues or handkerchiefs so that we do not infect others? Also, the culture of shake-hand and high-fives has to go. We should learn to express our feelings in a way that protects us, and others as well.
We, especially in India, need to improve our eating habits also. Anything we eat, must be well washed, in case of fruits and vegetables; and sanitized, in case of packed foods. Picking up fruit from a stall and eating it without washing has become normal; and I wonder how we can do that!
That was about the personal habits, now coming to the work culture.
The corporate world must wake up to this call, and it is all the more important for India Inc. Gathering a big crowd in office doesn’t mean that people are working. #Corona has made people work from home; and the work is getting done! Obviously, not everyone can work from home, but wherever people can, the organizations must support that.
It not just helps people integrate life and work better, but also enhances the work life balance. Reduced office infrastructure costs and a cleaner environment are just couple of byproducts.
In a nutshell, we, as humans and as organizations, must look at the #corona pandemic as a learning and prepare ourselves better fir the future.
The future is at HOME!