As Talent Acquisition Manager at Transfinder, I prescreen candidates every day and it adds up to hundreds if not over 1,000 over the course of a year. Too many come unprepared and as a result, are not moved forward in the interview process.
Here are a few things you should do before and during every interview to increase the odds of moving on to the next round.
What to expect during the Prescreen Interview with a Recruiter?
Prescreen interviews typically last anywhere from 15-30 minutes. For me, I conduct a full interview which typically lasts for 30 minutes.
- Questions about your background.
- What do you know about the company?
We use what seems to evaluate a candidate's qualifications. Why? To find out if you are truly interested in the opportunity, determine your work ethic, and level of professionalism,
- Why you are interested in the position.
This ties back to did you do your research and do you know what you are looking for?
- Your salary expectations.
You might be afraid that you price yourself too high or too low, but that generally isn’t the goal.?
- Questions to help determine fit for the position.
What should you do to prepare?
- Research the company. Make sure you know what industry the company is in and what types of products and or services they provide.
- Review the job description (If you do not have it ask the recruiter for a copy)
- Try to find a quiet place without distraction to conduct the interview.?
- Think about questions you have about the company and the role.?
- Focus on the area of your background and experience that matches the job requirements. Be sure to bring up and use specific examples to reinforce your answers.
- Communicate your job interest based on your experience and research on the company. (Interest, energy level, and enthusiasm are effective).?
- Present yourself as the best solution and focus on how your background has helped you develop active listening, critical thinking, complex problem-solving, and decision-making skills.?
- For any negatives – such as commute time, long employment gaps, etc.?Give straightforward succinct answers – do not over-explain.
- Answer length – Target one to two minutes for each response. Some behavioral interview questions may take longer than that if they require extended details and analysis. Answer factual answers in under 30 seconds.?Be mindful that the recruiter may be taking notes. Be prepared to clarify answers.
- Bring energy and confidence to the interview. This goes a long way and also reinforces the skills and experience you are bringing to the table.
What to do if you miss the interview, need to re-schedule, or cancel
Missed interview:?Regardless of the circumstances, it’s important to let the recruiter know as soon as possible why you missed your interview appointment.
Re-Schedule: If an emergency comes up in which you are unable to attend. Let the recruiter know you wish to reschedule the interview.?Give as much notice as possible.?
Cancelation: Think through the reason for canceling carefully. If you do decide to cancel, please call, or email the recruiter that you are not going to attend the interview. Provide as much notice as possible.?If you are open to it, use the prescreen interview time as an exploratory call.
Feeling overwhelmed during the job hunt and interview process? (You are not alone)
- When experiencing overwhelming stress in a job interview go on the offensive. Practice what you want to say in advance whether it's asked for or not. Keep reminding yourself of your value, your skills, and your ability and enthusiasm to do the jobs for the companies and roles you are interviewing for.
- Study the company for which you are interviewing. I've interviewed thousands and I still remember a few that really surprised me with what they knew about the company. Employers want to feel that you are deeply interested in what they do. If they don't ask find opportunities during the interview to show what you know.
- Think about how you can solve a hiring manager or company's problem. The recruiter and hiring manager have dedicated time and effort to interviewing. Our problem? Finding talent that will help solve a challenge. Ask a question such as “What are the department’s biggest challenges today?” Hint: sales professionals do this daily by following a consultative selling technique: identifying the “points of pain” and trying to solve them. Once you've identified the problem and what you could fix, bring up past experiences and skills that would help in the role you are interviewing for.
- Show that you can promote positive change and can add constructive suggestions on how you can resolve issues or how you helped solve problems in an innovative way. These critical thinking skills are what companies are desperate to find.
- Be Yourself. Don't memorize these suggestions or think of making a speech. Take a moment to research the company, look for their challenges and think about the moments you helped to promote positive change and helped to solve similar issues are = part of preparation. Make sure the company bought the best of your own version you are projecting, not something you've made up.?