Preparing for Civil Unrest Checklist
Policy and Administration
? Review agency policies and procedures to ensure that department has appropriate authority to intervene in civil unrest.
? Examine Use of Force policy to ensure that crowd control equipment and techniques are authorized.
? Pre-Determine objectives and goals when dealing with civil unrest. Plan on how to manage large crowds that become unruly.
? Identify critical infrastructure and vulnerabilities.
? Develop a training program that incorporates crowd control formations, crowd clearing tactics, less-lethal tactics (riot baton, riot shield, less lethal impact weapons, chemical munitions etc.)
? Conduct an inventory of crowd control equipment and purchase necessary items. At a minimum: helmet, a riot baton and riot shield should be available for each officer.
? Train officers on crowd control formations such as Column, Line, and Wedge.
? Train officers on arrest and rescue team movements.
? Train officers on appropriate use of riot baton and riot shield.
? Review legal authorities and justifications.
? Review First Aid/CPR and tactical medicine.
Command and Control
? Ensure that all personnel understand the situation, mission, and commander’s intent.
? Set priorities and plan for contingencies.
? Ensure that officers in the field have supervision and leadership on the line.
? Utilize a Unified Command system as Fire and EMS will likely be needed to assist law enforcement.
? Ensure Mutual Aid assistance is prepared and understands the host agency’s plans and SOP.
? Utilize an intelligence team to ensure constant situational awareness.
? Prepare a multi-agency communications plan.
? Prepare for multiple operational periods.
? Designate a staging and re-supply area and maintain a security presence.
? Establish a decontamination area for responders.
? Establish a recovery and refreshment area for responders.
External Relations
? Maintain contact with policymakers (mayor, council).
? Designate a PIO and give updates over social media.
? Use EAS and other alert systems to notify public of curfews.
? Designate Liaison to manage mutual aid issues.
? Be prepared for numerous media requests.
Safety Considerations
? Above all else, keep your cool. This applies to officers on the line and commanders.
? Use proper PPE: helmets, N-95 or gas masks, gloves, riot batons, riot shields, eye protection.
? Remove sensitive items from police vehicles and FIRE/EMS apparatus.
? Maintain security at EOC, Police HQ, Command Post etc.
? Maintain OPSEC and keep detailed plans confidential to agency.
? EMS and FIRE should operate with LE escorts.