Preparing for CIMA Exams
Rishit Agarwal, ACMA, CGMA
I help CIMA students overcome their biggest struggles to attain ACMA/CGMA titles without pressing 1000s of hours | CIMA Trainer | CIMA PER Services | All India 4th Rank Holder (SCS and P2)
It's been a long time since I sat my CIMA Exams. Back in the past times we utilized pen and paper and sat at flimsy collapsing work areas! The help of my kindred understudies, some of whom are as yet my companions today, truly encouraged me manage the pressure of study and exams. Today, improved correspondences mean we can concentrate distantly from anyplace on the planet – yet it's as yet incredible to get the help of your kindred understudies. Some have gone to web-based media, sharing their analysis experience on the web.
Few tips that help you prepare for CIMA exams:
Study more intelligent, not longer
I've learned over the long run that committing an entire day is not required to excel at CIMA exams. It is the matter of how well you plan and study consistently in an organized fashion will take you through.
Presently I want to read for more modest pieces of time without interruption. I attempt to discover an hour and a half daily I can commit to CIMA study or Exam update, in 2 x brief pieces. No interruptions, tea making or PDAs. Simply an examination course reading, mock Exam papers, adding machine, pen and notebook.
In the event that I miss a day because of different responsibilities, no pressure. I will simply get again the following day.
Face your apprehensions
I'm not discussing bugs or sky plunging here, yet it's critical to handle the intense subjects you are battling with. Propel yourself and face the difficult pieces of the schedule and Exam questions.
It's human instinct to return to the regions and subjects we are OK with and update those – in any case, this gives you an incorrect feeling that all is well with the world that you will finish your next Exam. Realizing the fundamental monetary proportions implies close to nothing in the event that you can't comprehend the cosmetics and ramifications of the weighted average cost of capital (WACC).
You will feel a feeling of fulfillment a while later, and don't stress on the off chance that you misunderstand inquiries during your amendment and study. Gain from the mix-ups now so you can be set up on Exam day!
Make (and adhere to) a daily schedule
This identifies with my first point about contemplating more brilliant. Making an arranged everyday practice for when and how you study will improve your propensities. As far as I might be concerned, timing was significant. As I had booked the entirety of my Exams to begin at 9:30am, I would attempt to ensure my examination meetings were in the first part of the day as well, to reproduce how my body and cerebrum would feeling simultaneously as my Exam.
I additionally discover I work better in the mornings, so this routine was an incredible method of finding a standard beat and example with my examination, and furthermore reenacted the Exam day itself.
Make an examination arrangement
It sounds senseless, however numerous understudies will jump straight into the schedule with no thought when and how they will finish it all. An unmistakable arrangement won't just keep you on target however will likewise go about as a persuasive device. Work in reverse from your Exam date and ensure you leave 10-14 days for mock Exam practice and last amendment.
Missing cutoff times in your arrangement is normal. I do it constantly, yet I simply change the arrangement in like manner. Worry don't as well on the off chance that you miss a couple of long periods of study from your arrangement. Either make them up later or crush a break the last correction stage. Once more, make sure to allow for mock Exam practice.
The objective exam dates are adaptable, so you can delay the exam by seven days if necessary or in any event, present it on the off chance that you feel prepared.
Look for criticism
Criticism is especially significant and important for the case study exams. You need to get input on your long structure question practice and exam procedure. In the event that your examinations are homeroom based, at that point this won't be an issue, yet distance and self-study understudies should search out investigation programs that offer some level of guide backing and input on your fake exams and question practice.
You ought to likewise set aside some effort to process the input and accept it. Tuning in and self-reflection is an extraordinary expertise to have on the off chance that you need to improve in any capacity whatsoever – not only for your examinations.
Best of luck on Exam day!