Preparing for the 2024-2025 FAFSA Application

Preparing for the 2024-2025 FAFSA Application

This year's FAFSA looks different from what students are accustomed to. As many are aware, FAFSA did not open in October this year. It will be released this month.

Federal Student aid, and FAFSA, play a crucial role in many students' ability to attend college. Here's what you need to know about the new application:

  • For information on changes to the FAFSA application and help filling it out, click here

  • The updated FAFSA application allows applicants to skip questions that don't apply to them, reducing the time spent answering FAFSA's questions for many students.

  • This year's application introduces contributors—individuals who must consent and approve the transfer of their tax information from the IRS. Each contributor needs their own student aid account. Contributors include parents and supposes. Listing someone as a contributor on your FAFSA doesn't make them financially responsible for your education costs.

  • Your tax information will be directly transferred from the IRS, and agreement to this transfer is necessary for FAFSA eligibility.

  • You can contact the?Federal Student Aid?Information Center at?1-800-4-FED-AID 1-800-433-3243

If you need support with your FAFSA application, your college's financial aid office is also an excellent resource to seek assistance.



