Be Prepared for your Video Interview

Be Prepared for your Video Interview

Interview preparation has always been one of my passions and is so often overlooked by candidates and recruiters. I mean, you wouldn’t show up to a big game without any practice. You wouldn’t sit a test without any study. Interviews shouldn’t be any different.

Due to Covid-19, all interview processes are currently being pushed into virtual meeting rooms, through Zoom or Teams, which makes us think about some other factors when preparing for these potentially life changing meetings. At H2R we are lucky to have an amazing Career Transition team that helps people to prepare for these scenarios everyday and below are their tips for being ready for the virtual interview.

 1. Your time to shine - You were invited to the interview for a reason – the interviewers liked what they saw in your CV and Cover Letter and want to find out more, about you! The interview is your opportunity to reinforce that you are the best person for the job, so approach the video interview the same as you would an in-person interview. Preparation is key, invest time in researching the company, understanding the role and knowing what you have done and have to offer. If you are working with a recruiter, ask them what they know about the current environment in the organisation and team, and what they can tell you about the people you are meeting with.

2. Think about the Why! - Why do you want the job? Is it your dream job, the company you’ve aspired to work for, do your values align with theirs, do they have a great team, do you strongly believe in the work they do? If you haven’t thought about this question already, now is a good time to ask yourself – Why?

3. Practice makes perfect - While there is no such thing as the perfect interview, if you have a LinkedIn profile you can head to the Interview Prep page in the Jobs section where you will find 26 common interview questions you can record your answers to and play back. Practicing on video enables you to check things like the quality, flow and timing of your responses, tone of your voice, how engaging you sound and how many times you say um!

4. First impressions really do count - In today’s job market some of you will have a lot riding on the interview. Shower, shave, do your hair and dress as you would for an in-person interview – and not just the top half! Dressing to impress will boost your confidence and help you to present the best you.

5. Body language & eye contact - Pay close attention to both the interviewers’ body language and your own. Sitting up straight with an open posture will give a better impression than slouching or crossing your arms. Remember to smile and try to enjoy the conversation, make eye contact with the interviewers to show you’re listening and read their signals to ensure they are engaged. Tip: to make eye contact look at the camera, rather the person on screen.

6. Manage your environment - No one wants to see your dirty laundry. Once you’ve chosen your interview setting do a ‘dry run’ of your video interview to check things like lighting, camera perspective, WiFi and audio quality, as well as what is behind you. Ensure there will be no interruptions during the interview and try to eliminate any distractions and background noise. Tip: position your camera at eye level for the best perspective.

7. Ask your questions - Prepare several well thought out questions about things you really want to know. They may be about the organisation, its leaders or culture, the responsibilities of the role or the people in the team. Whatever your questions, make them meaningful to you.

8. Say thanks - It’s important to make a good first impression, and it’s equally important to finish the interview on a high. At the end of the interview remember to express your interest in the role and thank the interviewers for their time.

Most of all, enjoy the process. Whether you land the role or not, you will walk away from this meeting with more interview experience under your belt, some new contacts to add to your network and a better understanding of yourself and your skills. 

Daniel Wharakura

Technology & Digital Recruiter / Director

4 年

Wise words Adam Barratt it's so important not to go in underdone these days!



