Prepare Your Business for a Power Outage
"Be Prepared. "
If you were a Boy/Girl Scout before, you must have been familiar with this motto. All of us have now exceeded Boy/Girl Scouts' age limit, but its proactive, perceptive saying is still fully applicable. No matter what you do, preparation is a key to success.?
Irrelevant to the location of your business, a power outage can happen at any time. Unfortunately, statics suggest that power outages are generally an increasing fact of life. Take a look at Quebec, for example, more people are getting affected by outages (8.2 million in 2021) and the average outage duration has increased by 63% since 2012.
Power outages are more than a temporary inconvenience to business owners. It can greatly damage the operation. In the worst-case scenario, a business can be entirely shut down.???
In this article, we cover essential checklist items to help business owners/property managers to prepare for an outage. By following these guidelines, you’ll be better equipped for any power outages that may come your way.?
Understand Your Property?
Understand Your Equipment?
Plan it Out?
Educate Your Employees?
Check Your Back-up Systems?
Director of Emergency Management I Florida Professional Emergency Manager I Connector I Keynote Speaker I MSG U.S. Army (Ret)
1 年Very good article ARS / Global Emergency Management CA ! especially important advice during these times of unprecedented attacks on power substations and severe weather events. Every business or organization that provides a service or has Mission Essential Functions should have a COOP (Continuity Of Operations Plan) It’s very simple. How will you “Continue Operating” if you lose power or the use of your building. Note: most private sector businesses refer to these as Business Continuity Plans (BCP) different name same concept. Learn more at: