Prepare for a leap in consciousness.
AJ - Alexandra Joy ??GAICD, MBA, MAHRI
Leadership & culture development for advanced, conscious businesses | Leadership coach & author | 10 Degree Shift Podcast?? Non-Executive Director?? Speaker ?? Stand out, apply leverage and step up into leadership.
As a humanity in the post-COVID world I firmly believe we are headed for a big leap in consciousness.
We're beginning to see signs of change happening.
Things are starting to speed up, change is happening more and more.
Are you ready for the big leap that is coming?
Our past systems, the ways we've done business before, the way we have operated or functioned will no longer be effective or relevant.
It's time for a complete change, for more of a matriarchal society. Less structure and hierarchy, and more people together. Businesses need to be ready for that shift.
They need to learn to be more collaborative and communal, and we need to do the same in communities. We need to learn to work together to go food and share it. To be participatory and not so individualised.
That’s what's coming.?
The children born today are already ready for this. It's those of us who have lived through a very rigid way of living and being and working that need to adjust
Where's your consciousness at? Are you ready for the shift?
You can either make a big leap, and usually that comes about through some kind of really big life event, a lesson, something that snaps us into a different way of being, or you can get prepared and take small incremental shifts.
You have three choices:
You get to choose. Which one are you betting on?
If you're in business, HR, lead a team of people, or a manager you’ll want to get ahead of the eight ball and start looking at what different workplaces look like, workplaces that have four day weeks, flexible work practices, work from home, that are far more democratic rather than dictatorial in the way decisions are made.
You’ll need to start looking at how to create a culture like that, how to start building an organisation that's ready for this shift in humanity.?
I invite you to join us at our conference “Culture IS the Strategy” on july 28 in the beautiful Hunter Valley.
We're going to move away from the pure metrics and lag indicators that you look at in your rearview mirror such as finance, and we're going to start looking at culture as a lead indicator on how things are going to be in? the future.
We’ll bring you plenty of case studies of businesses we've been working with that are already making those shifts. They're already adapting, working with their staff to create a workforce in a workplace of the future, and reaping the rewards of that.
Whether you're an individual, a business owner, leader, manager someone who wants to be part of the change and to be building communally a great bright future where everyone wins, then join us at the Culture IS the Strategy summit.
Listen to the 10 Degree Shift podcast for more tips and ideas to help you make a small shift at work, in your team, in your leadership, and in your life.