Sunjay Kapur
Chairman - Sona Comstar, Chairman - CII Northern Region, Board of Governors - The Doon School
Business, in present times, has taken on novel hues. While in-depth analysis and prediction continues to be the intrinsic driver that fuels business strategy, disruption is a reality. It is now imperative for companies to recognise that constant evolution is inevitable. Therefore, businesses must have strategies for inculcating agility and swift action.
“By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail.” Benjamin Franklin’s words ring so true in today’s business environment. It is time to prepare, not just foresee.
Budgeting, assessing potential risks, and developing comprehensive, focussed strategies cannot be done without forecasting. Business prediction is a pivotal hinge and the objective of it is to deliver patterns upon which subsequent business strategy rests. Informed prediction enables enterprises to strengthen processes, mitigate situational challenges, and minimise failure. ?
The modern business scenario is adeptly encapsulated in Max McKeown’s words, “Adaptability is about the powerful difference between adapting to cope and adapting to win."
In times that are characterised as VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity), accepted norms have been effectively uprooted. Organisational success leaps beyond the evolution of the business within modern ecosystems, and lies in its ability to adapt swiftly. The days of prediction continue but with an added urgency of action in the current landscape, they demand ways to move faster to process quick implementation and delivery. This requires forward-thinking mindset, re-wiring of management and company culture, and governance throughout the hierarchical echelons.
Through adaptability, flexibility, and balance, businesses can build optimal potential and outperform peers. Business agility cannot be mastered overnight; it is time to take the practical steps forward, now. ?
To complement preparation, would like to add the idea of defining scenarios, so response time to each scenario is much expedited