Prepare to Answer Interview Questions
Lee Gamelin
Empowering Job Seekers Through Strategic Career Resources | Author & Career Services Expert
Behavioral Interviewing
?Employers typically use one of two sorts of questions: behavioral and knowledge-based. Knowing what questions an employer might ask will help you prepare for your interviews.?
?It's customary at large or medium-sized companies to be questioned by multiple people, each with a list of questions prepared. These queries are frequently behavioral and begin with phrases such as "Tell me about a time when..." Although the employer may be interested in learning a lot about your background and how you handle situations, they are looking at your past conduct to predict future behavior and how that could benefit them.
?These types of questions are frequently asked:
?GOS Method
?GOS, where you describe a Goal, Obstacles, and Solution, is a great strategy when preparing your replies. Consider the following scenario:
?"We were having trouble serving customers on schedule" (Goal). We either kept them on the phone for too long when they wanted to order, or we had long lines at the counter that drove consumers away (Obstacles). I... (Solution) to solve the problem."
?Include figures or numbers to demonstrate how you overcome those challenges when feasible.?
Questions about knowledge
?Knowledge questions are frequently asked in other interviews or combined with behavioral questions. These are commonly used to describe things you know or do in general.??
"Tell us what you know about..." might be the first question. These questions could be about your sector in general, technological advancements in your profession, large projects, economic shifts, etc.?
Other interviews may require you to prepare a presentation or audition for the interviewer to observe. People in artistic disciplines (such as music, dance, art, and photography), as well as teaching, training, some computer fields, and the service business, are susceptible to this type of questioning.?
Interview Questions to Prepare
?Make a list of ten questions you'd ask a potential candidate for the job you seek. Your questions should address the five main topics listed below:?
Watch for my next article: “Getting Ready to Answer Interview Questions”