Replacement of the Global System

PREPARATION FOR THE MANEUVER Replacement of the Global System



This is Nathalie CROZ.

Today, we are going to see the preparation for the maneuver. We are about to change the system.


For many, the current world seems more and more chaotic. It is no longer so for me. I am one of those who are lucky enough to see the world that awaits us.

My goal was to reunite, to find unity, and I discovered harmony.

It took me almost 48 years of experimentation to know what I know.

I also had to undertake intensive work of 5 long years of research and introspection to move from voluntary submission to the adult, free, and responsible woman that I am today.


The greatest difficulty we can encounter is to make a mistake about the enemy.


We could consider that Emmanuel Macron, the former presidents, or our elected officials would be one.

We could consider that international finance, as well as BlackRock, Vanguard and the Rockefeller Foundation would be our enemies.

We could consider that the unemployed, the poor, the angry, the housewife, the man of faith, or the one who lacks everything would be our enemy.


However, there is a way to organize the system so that each category of our respective populations is satisfied.

There is a way to obtain full employment, the competitiveness of our companies, while guaranteeing the personal development of each.

There is a way so that the poorest, the most exploited of the old World are no longer so.


Today we have the possibility of putting an end to war and unnecessary deaths.

We have the possibility of responding accurately to our personal needs and our collective needs.

We have the possibility of obtaining a satisfaction of the population close to 100%.


Preparing ourselves for the maneuver is a little like preparing to pass the dreaded Cape Horn. We know it's going to be bumpy. A lot of bumpy even. And despite everything, we're going confident because we know that the rest of the crew has prepared for it too.


Let's be clear, there's nothing worse than moving forward when we don't know where we're going!

I won't hide from you that it's easier for those who have Faith. They know we're going to get there, and they feel supported. Those who have Faith have a sense of continuity that gives them a lot of serenity.

That's why my role, whether you have Faith or not, is to give you a clear visualization of where we're going so that you can move forward, too, with serenity.


This video is divided into 3 parts:

? The right attitude to adopt. I need your involvement so that we can cultivate it together. If we train each other to develop the right attitude; we will get through this, no matter what (PRESENT).

? Then I will share my analysis with you. You will realize that what I say is true. It's just that no one has ever formulated it this way before (PAST).

? Thirdly, we will visualize the desirable future towards which we are heading (FUTURE).


My intention is twofold:

I want each of you to come out of this video presentation with a clear and serene vision of our future.

My greatest hope is to give everyone the opportunity to set their own personal goals.


I thank you for the welcome you give to this video presentation with all your shares and all your likes.




A little clarification:


A positive attitude is not believing that everything is going well all the time. It's knowing that we will succeed in moving forward, even in the worst circumstances.


1. Hello, thank you, goodbye


Gratitude is the only currency that multiplies when you share it.


There is nothing like gratitude to appreciate and improve our daily lives.


2. Ask yourself the right questions and know how to protect yourself


If a human you don't like speaks up, ask yourself this:

"How is this human right?"


And every time a human you like speaks up, ask yourself this:

"How is this human wrong?"


Whether we like it or not, there are many lies. There are:

? Those who lie to themselves

? Those who have cognitive biases

? Those who do it on purpose


It is therefore useful to question the discourse in relation to their actions. Are they coherent?

How can these discourses help you in your daily life?


Do not hesitate to be selective about the programs and information you consume. Your brain and your thoughts are yours. If these discourses do not bring you anything good now, you have the right to step back and refuse to listen to this message.


3. Whatever happens, make sure to count on our success.


Count on everyone's progress. Whoever this someone is; it is beneficial to count on their progress.

Conversely, if we were to think that they cannot do it without us; then we would deprive them of the possibility of succeeding. And at the same time, we would deprive ourselves of the possibility of succeeding with them.


This is certainly the best learning I have done thanks to you. It is important to let everyone have their share of success.


It is not always easy to see that another can succeed without us. And yet, we all have the capacity to build our personal legend thanks to our individual successes.


I also say this for foundations and mutual aid associations. Those who have developed the wound of rejection need to receive unconditional help. Without this, there could be new rejection and/or abuse of subordination.


4. Accept that there is always a solution; even when we do not know it ourselves.


The human brain is what it is. We are forced to admit our limits, although we are unlimited in other ways.


5. Show indulgence towards everyone (including ourselves!)


We are all human. We all make mistakes. Sometimes we regret them, sometimes we take responsibility for them. In both cases, we are forced to move forward.


6. Give time time


As they say,


"Rome wasn't built in a day."


Change takes time, and it's always good to give yourself time.


7. Celebrate small victories.


It's these celebrations that encourage us to continue in our efforts.




Let's see the analysis that you have all allowed me to draw up.


1. By dint of suffering psychological and/or physical mistreatment, whether:

? At home.

? At school.

? With their relations.

? With the caregivers they have consulted.

? In the companies they have frequented.

? In the judicial, social and government services.

? With their banker.


Many French people would be on the way to becoming, let's say, "more royalist than the king". They do not realize that there is another way of doing things.


However, this is the reality experienced by those who have chosen to place their well-being at the centre of their lives before building a circle of relationships around them.


On the one hand, it is possible to limit or even eliminate this mistreatment thanks to Marshall Rosenberg's Nonviolent Communication. It is just a matter of learning this type of communication and putting it into practice.

On the other hand, when we push the concept to the point of restorative justice and omni-partiality, we manage to appease both the victims and the executioners.

Everyone feels recognized in their humanity and understood beyond a judgment that is of no use to anyone.


2. The strategy deployed by Emmanuel Macron and his various teams allowed us to do several things:


? Draw up the reports of everything that did not suit us in the Old World.

? Carry out a systemic cleaning of all the gangrene that had infiltrated our society (paedophilia, special privileges, administrative, medical, judicial mistreatment, and others);

? Free speech. Everyone was able to express their share of truth.


President Macron's "at the same time" allowed us to position ourselves on one side or the other of each debate. There is never just one possible answer.

My challenge was therefore to bring together the oppositions and contradictions. And, instead of separating us with an "OR", I made sure to include us all in the "AND".

For those who know quantum physics, and in particular the Schr?dinger equation, I used a very similar reasoning.


3. The Rockefeller Foundation's 2019 scenario is still in progress


Yes, I was one of the conspiracy theorists. And I am proud of it!


I confronted myself with the most realistic ideas as well as the craziest ideas. This allowed me to reflect, and to bounce back according to the circumstances.


Author unknown:

"Don't try to understand me because my ideas have already changed?.


On a global level, you should know that there is a Zen Garden behind the UN building in New York. For me, this detail is a good indication that at no time did international authorities really want to harm us.


The Rockefeller Foundation's 2019 scenario is, likely, still ongoing. It seems to me that their goal has been to make us perceive all the inconsistencies of the old system to pacify our relationships on Earth.

Their primary goal has always been to allow us to access world peace.


Neither Macron, nor Trump, nor Kamala Harris, nor Putin, nor even Netanyahu are strangers to this scenario. They seem to oppose each other, but they know what they are doing for our evolution of consciousness.

Today we can put an end to all wars of land and wealth grabbing.

Every human has the right to express themselves for themselves whatever their opinion.

De facto, we also can put an end to all conflicts of masculine or feminine gender.


It turns out that everything is already written in the various sacred texts. It is only by reflecting and meditating on their true meaning that the path to resurrection has become accessible to many of us.

This is why I ask Pope Francis and all representatives of a religious Cult to kindly reveal the parts of the Texts to those of your faithful who have not reflected on them.


4. We have never lived in a democracy


Democracy is “power to the people”. We have never known it.


A true democracy with perfect decision-making equality is impossible to obtain:

? Not everyone has the same skills.

? Nothing obliges an “elected” person to follow his program.

? We have the right to change our minds and adapt to circumstances. However, establishing a political program does not guarantee that it will be beneficial to follow it over time.


Furthermore, private financial interests prevent us from developing solutions that are useful to the group. So, it is time to change the type of governance and the financial system. They go hand in hand.


5. The legislative and judicial system.


The democratic question is closely linked to the legislative and judicial system.

"Ignorance of the law is no excuse", and yet, laws are added and superimposed on each other in a set of incomprehensible codes.

Since this set of laws is a set decided collectively, we can decide to modify it.


It is our duty to teach the difference between:

? A punitive justice, which does not seem fair to either the guilty or the victims.

? And a restorative justice, which will allow us to restore relationships, and to progress throughout our lives; whatever our temporary errors.


The punitive application of our laws is linked to our submission to money.

Many judgments still target the wallets of those administered when they already have nothing.

Very often, the lack of money is the only culprit for our bad behaviour. Fixing this will allow us to harmonize our relationships.


6. In the Old World, submission to money drove us all crazy.


Some families tore each other apart as soon as the coffin was closed.

Some separated from their pets and sometimes even from their own children.

Some teachers preferred indoctrination to discernment.

Some entrepreneurs managed to scam old ladies with offers of services at disproportionate prices.

Some craftsmen were reluctant to produce quality.

Some tolerated undeclared work.

Some caregivers preferred comfort to the health safety of their patients.

Some lawyers went so far as to break the law for a few more notes.

Some bankers continued to charge their less wealthy clients fees related to their lack of money.


Money ties have become the pretext for mistreatment and a search for systemic domination.


In short! We would all become scammers, or predators, for a few more bucks.


We cannot accept becoming what we are not!


After all, all it takes is a banker friend, a computer scientist friend and knowing a line of computer code to become rich.


World peace will only come with a guaranteed minimum income to cover housing, food, clothing needs, free energy while promoting savings to invest in our community or individual future.


7. Opposing and complementary needs


We all have similar needs since we are part of the same humanity.

On the other hand, we sometimes have needs that seem to oppose each other, two by two.


According to Patrice Ras, there are 6 pairs of needs that oppose each other as follows:

? Material needs / Spiritual needs

? Need for security / Need for freedom

? Need for belonging / Need for achievement

? Need for stimulation / Need for order

? Need for communication / Need for solitude

? Need for control / Need for recognition


Each need is the complement of its neighbour. No pair of needs can be satisfied at the same time. This is why the Left and the Right in the Assembly express the same needs, but in different ways.


With a little experience, we can evolve and change our expression on the same need. It therefore seems useful to fill our needs in pairs:


? Material AND spiritual needs.

? Needs for security AND freedom.

? Needs for belonging AND achievement.

? Needs for stimulation AND order.

? Needs for communication AND solitude.

? Needs for control AND recognition.


We can dare to draw a parallel with the two parts (masculine and feminine) of our beings. We therefore must assume both a part of virility AND a part of subtlety. This demonstrates, if it were necessary to do so, that it is impossible to attack the other gender without attacking Oneself.


From all these pairs of needs, we can deduce that we need both Time AND Money to satisfy our needs for power (accomplishing our personal legend) and humility (being part of the group).


The question then is to find how to organize our society so that it meets our different needs.

Removing our frustrations in the face of our unfulfilled needs will allow us to pacify the bonds that unite us.




The first ecology is the ecology of our relationships, from human to human.

If we were to become incapable of establishing quality relationships, we could face the extinction of the human race.


The "all towards AI" has also generated a massive response in the opposite direction: we mostly want to connect with each other, in a true and authentic way, without going through a screen or an avatar.


Even more, we have preferentially chosen cash for our daily expenses.


Let's see here how we are going to harmonize our behaviours for the good of everyone and particularly for our intergenerational relationships.


1. Mutual education throughout life


Whether we like it or not, we are destined to learn from the first to the last day of our lives. It is an essential need for most of us.


We are going to organize the new system so that everyone can continue to learn throughout their lives.


This is where Nicolas Sarkozy was certainly right in his last speech.


It is useless to have so many teachers since with mutual education, a single teacher can share his knowledge with at least a hundred students.

This is what was practiced in our country in the 19th century.


Each learner was responsible for the education of others, while seeking to learn and progress himself.

Such an educational method makes it possible to shorten the learning period while promoting the cooperative ties essential to a healthy and lively society.


In parallel with the education of our young people, it is essential to see our professionals continue to train throughout their lives.

Although we have Google as a friend, it is always good to confront our beliefs with what is new and at the forefront of our knowledge.

This is particularly useful in the fields of health and science.


Knowledge being universal, we will have the choice of subjects as well as the learning mode that we prefer.


Attached to such a learning system, the business world will allow us to consider better salary compensation, with progressive responsibility throughout our careers.


However, to talk about compensation, we must be aware of its value. A system of coaching from one to another will emerge.

This is one of the most fair and equitable ways for each of us to evolve.

It is important that we can all succeed in our lives according to our own criteria for success; regardless of our background and the field of activity we wish to occupy.


2. Consultations, facilitation, and governance


Based on a questionnaire, and/or data from the Metaverse, we can bring together humans at a local level to explore all the subjects that concern us.

We are considering different groupings (face-to-face and remote) depending on the subjects:

? Agriculture

? Family and education

? Instruction and knowledge

? Justice

? Institutions

? Health

? Media communication

? Finance

? Religions and spirituality


There are also subjects that transcend all others and must be studied by those who are able to question these different subjects.

In all these groups, one or more facilitators will accompany the discussions for greater fairness in the decisions that will emerge.

Governance will be modified since humans belonging to the world of politics will no longer be the only decision-makers.

With greater cooperation between the public and private sectors, we can expect a significant reduction in imposed levies.


3. Learn to communicate


We have seen NVC and omni-partiality.


In addition to institutions, it is vital for each of us to learn to use the communication tools at our disposal.

This is not reserved for support professionals. Quite the contrary!

We cannot change what another may think; on the other hand, we can teach them to better express what they want to say.

We can learn to listen to them better.

We can seek to understand them beyond words.

We can consider connecting, whatever our initial opinions.


4. The different times of life and the rhythms of each person


We need everything and everyone in our lives.

Children have different needs and rhythms from their parents.

In an ideal world, we should try to respect each other's rhythms. To do this, we must organize ourselves to meet the needs of each person, without compromising the integrity and limits of others.


We encounter periods of existential crisis, periods of moving, periods of mourning, which call into question what we think we know about ourselves.


Answering the questions:

? Who am I?

? Where do I come from?

? What am I moving towards?


Becomes a necessity.


This is so True in this period of human mutation, that we must organize our lifetimes to take it into account.


On the one hand, we need Time:

? For Us.

? For our well-being and our activities.

? For our learning and our progress.

? For our loved ones.


And on the other hand, we must contribute, give our time, to society because we need Money.


From an individual point of view, everyone can seek to balance their Time between their two needs:

? That of contributing to society with modesty, humility (belonging)

? That of fulfilling oneself by expressing one's full power (achievement).


From a collective point of view, we can decide to ensure that everyone can accomplish their personal legend.


Whether it is building with their own hands, a car in their image; or making known a technique for making musical instruments; each of us has one or more dreams to realize while on Earth.


Let us not forget that it is the lack of balance between our duties of contribution and our needs to satisfy our childhood dream that leads to many pathologies, and in particular to mental illnesses, including mood disorders, depression, burn-out, bore-out, and so many other diseases that impact our healthcare system.


It is therefore in our collective interest to satisfy individual needs for accomplishment.


5. Competitiveness of our companies


Since we want everyone to take advantage of their time to improve their well-being, their health and to meet their need for fulfilment; we must find a way to produce what we need.


As constituent members of the State, we share resources and risks. It is therefore natural to expect to obtain a benefit for each member of our State community.


One of the objectives of the consultations could be to redefine what we produce (material or immaterial), how we produce it and at what pace.


Everyone produces something:

? A smile,

? A meal,

? Good humour,

? A plane,

? A square of tomatoes …


However, at this stage, since we want to meet individual well-being needs, you are entitled to point out to me the difference in competitiveness between our country and… China, for example. A factory is built in 8 months on the Chinese side while it takes 3 years on the French side.

Of course, we are not as numerous as in China; and we focus on better quality and better sustainability.

However, if we want to become competitive, it would be useful to increase cross-training, obtain a network of humans trained in certain techniques, so that we can respond to each peak in activity collectively.


With this strategy, not only do we achieve full employment; but we also limit absenteeism since everyone becomes more balanced while propelling our competitiveness to the highest level.


Everyone becomes both replaceable in the group (preservation of knowledge and know-how), and irreplaceable since they are unique in all their dimensions.

Note that we are getting closer to the transmission methods of the companions of duty.


Here too, we can set up tailor-made support / coaching so that everyone finds the right balance in their life. I am counting on 5 years of support to make a complete transition.


From a collective point of view, it is essential that those who wish to change jobs do so through a gradual transition so that we have time to train their replacements.


6. Agriculture


Here is the main point of our current conflicts.


"No life on Earth or brains available without quality food"


In this area, beliefs die hard.

However, some farmers have seized their opportunity to be supported in the environmental transition with soil regeneration.

The method allowed the farmers concerned to be paid during the 5 years of the transition. This allowed us to move from agriculture dependent on chemicals to a healthier agriculture, and less demanding in water. Overall, the benefits are there:

? Fewer illnesses and suicides among farmers.

? Healthy agricultural products for consumption.

? Less water consumption and pollution of groundwater.

? Shorter distribution channels and better remuneration.


The stability of the process can be generalized as soon as we set up the Guaranteed Minimum Income. We then just need to organize production in such a way as to feed our populations while planning the transition.

Each farmer will be paid at a lower standard of living and the transition will be done in a coordinated manner to maintain a suitable level of production.

At the same time, plant protection professionals will be supported in their retraining.

With the mutual assistance set up and the increase in qualified people, farmers will also be able to reduce the number of hours in activity to balance their lives, too.


Supporting such projects requires consultation with the various local stakeholders (finance, agricultural and chemical products, consumers who can help with the harvest, etc.).


Note that there is a significant benefit of a good diet on the reduction of aggressiveness, and many mental illnesses. We therefore have a collective interest in cultivating our land better.


7. Individual and collective action


It is up to you to determine your personal goals and the time you wish to devote to them. We will ensure that everyone can live from their activity by maximizing their well-being and their healthy lifetime on our planet.


We are about to replace the State – and the European and global institutions – as we know them, with a system of local and fair consultations.


To be as close as possible to the needs of each one, it seems logical to replace the Brussels Europe with a regionalist Europe, close to each inhabitant.


Each region of the world has the right and even the duty to first practice a kind of protectionism, or if you prefer an “ultra-local nationalism” before calling on the resources of other territories.

In this way, we will allow both a concerted management of resources; and human ecology, that of the links that unite us.




I introduce myself in a new light this time.


My name is Nathalie Croz.

Instead of the expected congruence in politics, I preferred to try to understand each of you.


Yes, I belonged to the privileged circle of conspiracy theorists, and I am proud of it.

I cherish my freedom to think, to reflect, to contradict, and to change my mind.


I grew up at a time when the first French socialist president remained in power for 14 years. Willingly or not, he forged my political convictions.


My values are based on universalism.


I had the privilege of voting once against and another time for Jacques Chirac during the presidential elections.

Today, he is the man close to the agricultural community that I respect with his salesman side and his love of Japan.

Maybe we will have the chance to hear Vladimir Putin talk to us about his friendship with President Chirac?


Under Nicolas Sarkozy, I understood that "working more to earn more" did not help to revalue our salaries.

However, I listen to his points of view which confirm my own analyses.


I was educated in the Catholic way, and I later became interested in Buddhism, Islam and recently in Kabbalah and certain Hebrew texts.

Dieudonné's jokes make me howl with laughter.


It seems natural to me to want to preserve our jobs and our wealth before going to help other peoples. It seems just as natural to me to help other peoples because we never know what life can have in store for us.


With Emmanuel Macron, I have never felt so alive. His contradictions have made me a free and responsible adult. Adult. Free. Responsible.

This is all I wish for you too.


To be able to question, reflect, act, change your mind, reorient yourself, continue to move forward.


To keep Life as a legacy.


I thank you for the welcome you once again give to my video.

Do not hesitate to ask me questions if you wish.

See you soon.


Nathalie Croz


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