Preparation – The Key to a Perfect Finish

Preparation – The Key to a Perfect Finish

As leading industrial flooring contractors based in Worcestershire, at PSC Flooring we ensure that the preparation of the the flooring is done to the highest standards. Preparation of the existing industrial floor surface is the key to a perfect resin flooring system?finish.


Industrial Floor Preparation

Depending on the size of the area, the preparation can be done in two main ways: –

Diamond Grinding

The use of the diamond grinding process is usually for smaller areas. The process involves removing a thin layer off the surface of the concrete floor using a specialist diamond grinding machine. It has rotating grinding blades with diamond tips. Moreover, specifically designed to grind down the surface, the machine is pushed along manually.

The depth of surface removed is determined by the height, a diamond grinder can remove as much or as little of the substrate surface as needed. For small or intricate areas, a handheld diamond grinder will often be used.


What power supply does a totally enclosed diamond grinding machine require?

A totally enclosed diamond grinding machine requires a 3 phase, 415 volt power supplied via 32 amp socket.

Shot Blasting

Larger areas usually use shot blasting. As the name suggests shot blasting is the process of rapidly impacting the base concrete / substrate surface with a controlled stream of abrasive shot material. It is similar to sand blasting, which is mainly for the metallic surfaces. However, shot blasting uses a turbine to get acceleration for the abrasive shot.

The rate of the turbine and the speed at which the machine is moved across the floor determines the hardness of the blast. The faster the rate, the harder the impact on the concrete. As the abrasive shot hits the floor it is then collected back up again by the machine and reapplied.

Wick Care Farm – Commercial Flooring

PSC were recently called into look at a 105 square metres floor area at Wick Care Farm a farm-based wellbeing establishment in Wick, Pershore.

At the site visit, the requirements for the Activity Room, Kitchen Area and toilets totalling 105 square metres, were discussed. The client wished for a hardwearing as well as easy to clean surface floor. Therefore, PSC recommended laying a nominal 6mm RT polyurethane screed with one coat of DD polyurethane coating system in silk.

Related: Managing Health and Safety in Food Prep Environments

Preparation of Floor Surface

The entire floor area was prepared by thoroughly cleaning the existing concrete floor surface using the totally enclosed diamond grinding machine.

All residues and dust were then vacuumed clean with a 110v triple motor vacuum. In addition, 6mm x 6mm saw cuts were made to the perimeter of floor area, door thresholds, around drains and gullies and where necessary to toe in and anchor the screed. After that, the floor was ready to receive the nominal 6mm RT polyurethane screed .

105 Square Metres Nominal 6mm RT Polyurethane Screed

The entire area received a coat of epoxy resin primer incorporating a heavy scatter of 0.7 x 1.2mm quartz aggregate. Then, the nominal 6mm RT Polyurethane resin screed system was hand trowelled onto the to 105 square metres in the clients chosen Resedv Pumadur RT polyurethane, textured, matt, Mid Grey. Followed by one coat of Pumadur DD polyurethane seal coat, in clear, silk.

The work was completed in just 2 days – on time and within budget.


“We were very impressed with the whole job from PSC Flooring. We wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them to others.”

PSC are proud to be one of the top industrial flooring contractors in the UK, from the initial site visit and the preparation of the floor to final stages we ensure to go above and beyond for our clients. Therefore if you have any question about our process or wish to book in for a FREE site survey, get in touch today. Call us on 01562 702047 and our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Related: Smooth, Matt Industrial Flooring for the Food Industry


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