Preparation is Everything

Preparation is Everything

Preparation is everything. Before you practice using any coaching method, it’s necessary to get yourself into the right frame of mind.?

I would go as far as to say that the right frame of mind is almost sufficient, because it gives you access to what you need - a calm, open mind.

"This article is one of a series of Specials that I am sending to subscribers of the "Steps to a Coaching Classroom" newsletter." Martin Richards

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This year's newsletters are available in book form on Amazon USA, UK, Sweden, Denmark, and others soon.

Story: When Panic Takes Hold

I was invited to a school to give a talk to the school-leavers - about making choices they would be proud of. The hope was that, after my talk, the students would be inspired to choose to be physically active during the summer, seek employment or seek higher education etc rather than get drunk, do drugs, get pregnant and end up unemployed and living on social welfare.? I had given this talk before, many times, and was confident that today would also be a success.

When I arrived at the classroom, I was met by a young teaching assistant holding a clipboard under her arm. She explained that the class teacher was sick and off work. It soon became apparent that this assistant did not know the class very well. She had no idea who was answering the names on the roll call. She had no idea who I was either, and no notion of why I was there and what I planned to do. She expected me to introduce myself and take the lesson on my own. She was about to leave when I reminded her that she was required to stay. (It was a legal requirement with visitors).

On the way to the school, I had been excited to have been invited and looking forward to making a positive difference to some young lives. Meeting the assistant instead of the teacher who had invited me took me by surprise. Seeing how she had no idea who the students were, my nerves were set on edge. I felt I was stepping into unsafe territory. No matter, I can handle this, I thought. When she turned to leave, I felt a shock of fear run through my body. My eyes could see only her in front of me, I had lost peripheral vision.?

I was scared and when I began to speak to the class, I found my mouth had dried. I couldn’t find the words to say who I was, or why I was there. My hands felt cold and clammy, so I rubbed them on my trousers. I felt my legs were shaking and I wanted to turn and run. I believe I glanced at the door and gave a brief thought to making my escape.

Had I wanted to show the students that I was afraid, I could not have chosen a clearer display of nerves. They picked up on my nervousness, and responded by challenging me. They began by ignoring me.

I calmed myself, looked around the room and took in what I could see. I saw in their faces their insecurity and lack of confidence in the frightened little man who was standing before them. I breathed deep and slow, and allowed myself to stand more erect, to show my self-confidence. I clasped my hands in front of me, noticed that this looked like I was praying, and dropped my hands to my sides.

I would love to tell you that this lesson went wonderfully, or at least went well. It did not. It was one of the worst times I have ever had in front of a class. They were so uncertain of who I was, they chose to test me to breaking point. I fell for the oldest student challenge in the book. I wish I could tell you that I made choices I am proud of, but I was triggered, and couldn’t.

One student poked another in the back of the head. The other student turned around and said “Stop it”. The first student repeated the process. He was not testing his classmate, he was testing me, and I fell headlong into the trap.

I stepped forward, away from the safety of the desk and whiteboard and demanded, “What are you doing? Stop it,” I shouted in defence of the student who had been poked. But he did not need any help from a scared little man, and now I had two students verbally challenging me to “F-off!”.

I got stuck in the trap of trying to make a perfect stranger obey me. Now I had all the informal leaders on my case, they demanded, in various ways, “Who are you to tell us what to do?” and they were right.

It would be wonderful to tell you how I managed to calm myself down, calm everyone else down and give an incredible talk about making choices to be proud of. But that would not be the truth. I used what was available to me, my voice and my rage.

I gave them a piece of my mind, telling them how they had lost the opportunity of hearing some life experience and learning some life skills that would have made their lives so much better. I told them it was their fault, for being rude. I told them they should respect me because of who I was, and that I had been invited to speak to them.

They were not impressed.

I don’t recall leaving the classroom, nor leaving the school. I became aware of how outrageous I had been after I had walked a hundred yards from the school. It took that long for the rage to subside.

Do not coach when triggered

Do not coach when you are in any of these temporary emotional states: angry, annoyed, bitter, enraged, exasperated, furious, heated, impassioned, indignant, irate, irritable, (there are so many to choose from) irritated, offended, outraged, resentful, sullen, uptight, affronted, antagonised, chafed, cross, displeased, exacerbated, ferocious, fierce, fiery, fuming, galled, huffy, incensed, inflamed, infuriated, irascible, maddened, nettled, piqued, pissed off, provoked, put out, raging, riled, sore, sulky, vexed or wrathful.

You should not coach when you are triggered, angry, upset, frustrated etc; because that’s when you are in fight, flight or freeze mode. [The fight or flight response is an automatic physiological reaction to an event that is perceived as stressful or frightening. The perception of threat activates the sympathetic nervous system and triggers an acute stress response that prepares the body to fight or flee.]


How will you know if you, or your student, are in fight, flight or freeze mode?

You may well be experiencing some of these symptoms: Breathing is shallow, Heart rate is high, Dry mouth, Need to pee, Nauseous, Butterflies in the tummy, Cold sweaty hands, Trembling legs, Negative memories recalled, Tunnel vision, Difficult to recognise facial expressions, Dizziness.

Do not coach when you, or your student(s) are triggered.

Do not coach when a student is triggered either, because that’s when they are in fight or flight mode. You need to get yourselves in the right frame of mind for the coaching to have its positive effect.

Getting ready to Coach - Calm yourself down

If you are in a state of fight, flight or freeze, or when you notice any of the physical symptoms of anxiety in your body, calm yourself using any of these of these strategies:

Calming Strategies

Deep Breathing or Belly Breathing. Remain sitting on your chair or standing up straight, take deep breaths where your belly actually expands instead of your chest.?

Grounding Exercise, to counteract some of the symptoms, focus on what is going on in your body or in your immediate environment. You can use this countdown method: 5 things I see, 4 things I feel, 3 things I hear, 2 things I smell, 1 thing I taste.

Or you can use RAIN

This comes from Judson Brewer, a psychologist considered an expert in the field of anxiety. Often, we try to run or escape our anxious thoughts and he argues against this. We can use this skill once we have calmed our body down using the breathing and grounding exercises above.?

Essentially, using RAIN, you are coaching yourself by asking yourself questions about the experience, and viewing it from an external perspective. The rough version of his skill called RAIN is:

  • Recognize/Relax: Recognize what is arising inside of you. “What is the concern?”
  • Accept/Allow: Give it space to be there instead of running or distracting from it. This is your experience, allow it to be present. “What is this experience?”
  • Investigate: What does my body feel like right now? “What thoughts am I experiencing? What is happening in my mind? What am I feeling?”
  • Note, but Not attach: Note the experience. “I am having these thoughts or these feelings, but I am not my thoughts and feelings, they are transient and can come and go.”

You are ready to coach when you feel serene and in contact with your higher brain. You can use the above strategies to calm yourself, and guide your student using one of the strategies depending on their age and maturity.


Here is a Coaching Method you can use, when you have calmed yourself down.


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