Premier événement organisé dans le cadre du dialogue maritime bilatéral
entre la France et l’Indonésie.

Premier événement organisé dans le cadre du dialogue maritime bilatéral entre la France et l’Indonésie.

Organized by the post and the Ministry for the Coordination of Maritime Affairs and Investments (KEMENKO MARVES), it brought together French and Indonesian actors from different public and private sectors linked to the concept of maritime resilience, within the framework of bilateral maritime dialogue. It provided an opportunity to discuss Indonesia's maritime strategy and to share the French experience, particularly in overseas territories and departments.

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Speaker about French Polynesian case : France’s Lessons Learned and Best Practices of Maritime Resilience Development

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Token of Appreciation.

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Co-moderator for Resiliency of Maritime Connectivity with Nanang Widiatmojo, Director for Maritime Safety and Navigation

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Reflection of the Breakout Session.

Importance of last lesson curently taught to Project Managers in French Polynesia : "Make us dream ! Tell us about your artistic vision !"


