?? The Prelude – More than one out of two acquisitions fail!

?? The Prelude – More than one out of two acquisitions fail!

Post Merger Integration – a closed book!?

Demystifying the world of PMI – Prelude

?? The Prelude – More than one out of two acquisitions fail!

Before you start complaining…

“Failing” for sure is a harsh word. But depending on the definition, this is true, unfortunately. Acquisitions do not reach the desired financial targets or other expectations associated with the deal.

Depending on the source your pull, this ratio goes even up beyond 70%! We are not only talking about Daimler-Chrysler or Bayer-Monsanto – and you know there are many more.

This applies to the small and mid-cap arena. The German Association of Mergers & Acquisitions (BVMA) found in its latest M&A study of SMEs (2023): “Only around 35% rated the acquisition as a success!”

We recently confirmed this significant failure rate in one of our monthly Expert Talk #PMIspective (see The Hardt Group GmbH for more information).

Even worse, it looks like failure is already priced into the deal!

A thought comes to mind: There is something rotten in the state of M&A.

But hey, Transformation Agents don’t moan. We are here to make it happen, to facilitate the success of acquisitions. The good thing about it is that we can do something about it. But first of all, we need to demystify Post Merger Integration. We will open this closed book in this sequel.

So, stay tuned. Share the message of Post Merger Integration (aka ?? “Like” this post) and join our PMI Community ????, i.e. follow The Hardt Group GmbH .

?@The Hardt Group – The ??#Transformation Agents

#PMIspective #PMI #Transformation #Carveout #Merger #postmerger #manda #mergerintegration #postmergerintegration


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