Preliminary Procedure

S2S. DTC. FX4. MT103/202. IP/ID. or other system needed

Dear Sirs

Any serious international transactions, need of professional man, and professional documents with regular international procedures writen with respect international rule in reference of money laundry.

If you want do the real and serious transaction with me, please sending only CIS (Format attached), Passport Copy, Certificate of Incorporation, and all Bank Details where sending the money, attached do you have the format for bank details.

Any other document or contract, only I must do, because this type of documents, you send me, it's only to wast time for all, inclusive the bank, not accept nothing, if you not present a regular contract with the justify attached to real project to realized.

We have an office that deals exclusively with projects, they think of everything and you do not have to worry about anything, the project we will present will be proportional to the amount of the financial transaction to be made. 

Now, to justify any contract with many money, it must be absolutely justify it's with a real contract signed between parts, and to more justify the contract the sender must send in first tranche the amount minimum a 5 milion, but not a 5 thousand, because 5 thousand not justify a big contract, but only little contract. 

Any contract must do proportional to amount in the contract, This is only an example:

If contract it's 5,000,000.00 justify with 10% = 500.000, 00

If contract it's 500,000,000.00 justify with 1% = 5,000,000.00 

This amount will be adjusted to the amount of the contract that will be made. This advance is and will always remain of who sent it. For this reason the first tranche your client send via SWIFT MT103 priority, or normal it's the same, must be minimum Euro 5,000,000.00 in a different bank where after we decided sending all amount via S2S, od IP/ID, or FX4, or DTC, or other system needed.

Now, after I reciber all your documentation. I start the transaction in this system:

1 - I send You "Letter Request Services" and you send your client, this document your client signed and send direct by his email address, to email address of my company, in this system the comunication it's open between parts, and avoids solicitation.

2 - I will do the contract with attached project to realized, and send to client.

3 - After signed the contract, I send client the "Letter Instructions Payment" with all bank details where send the SWIFT MT 103 of 5 milion

4 - Your client send the fisrt tranche Euro 5,000,000.00

5 - After reciver the fisrt tranche, I send you the bank detail where send the outher tranche in S2S, od IP/ID, or FX4, or DTC, or other system needed. 

6 - I prepare all the financial structure to client that will be used to move the funds, this structure will be 100% yours and 100% to your signature. 

The most important point of all in this transaction is point 6, because the financial structure that I will prepare for the client, is adequate to receive any important sum and made on purpose for this transaction, this "Trust" will be 100% owned by the client, and 100% signed by the client, will have a bank account in an important bank with all the documentation filed that justifies the receipt of important amounts such as these.

After I have set everything up for this transaction, everything will work by itself and there will be no need for anything, the whole procedure will work automatically, the customer will only have to send and automatically have the funds in the bank of his Trust bank.

This is all, I hope I was very clear in everything written, but in case not it's clear, please reply to me through email with your questions and I reply you in short time.

Kind Reagrds..... Lic. Jorge Leiva "Victoria Invest LTD"


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