Preferred NAME Calling.
Paula Andrea Pyle, MA Ed.
Chief Administrator at MODE of Cosmic Therapy School of Energy Research
You must learn to remember that everything you will ever accomplish is hidden inside of you and will materialize but not before it is time. (Like the tiny acorn; IT can not help but grow into a very large Oak tree.) No matter how mad you get, intolerant and disappointed; nothing you will do can change the course of the day of arrival or what is required of you.
You must continually check yourself and your interior temperature. Keep your eyes off the external events and how they are supposedly progressing. Take notes; record the activities of your self-development. Don’t look for clues to verify the inclinations of your dream’s manifestation. Just observe yourself in the process. And, repeat the beauty of the sound of your birth name over and over and over again.
No other study will Reward you more than the dedication you place upon the observation and inclination in self-lessons You must study your process and progress as if you don’t know who you are.(Which you don’t) You are a stranger unto yourself but you erroneously believe otherwise. By keeping accurate records along with faithful esoteric methods, you can learn who you really are and what you are intended to do with the time on Earth.
You will learn what works and what doesn’t work (but merely takes up your time as a needless distraction) for yourself. No one else can Teach you these things. IF it is not true and applicable for you; it simply isn’t true!
Repeat over and over and over again the same methods that are effective for you. It will require various elements but each facet will be something you will discover readily in the run of your ordinary day. Until you become proficient, the process will seem awkward and arbitrary.
In time, however, with continued patience and diligent practice, it will all fuse together to make perfect sense. Believe it or not, but with careful and prodigious application of self-study, your life will appear magically in complete harmony one day without flaw or blemish.
What self-study practices? Merely the repetitious sounding of your birth name on a continual constantly focused basis will unlock hidden reservoirs of treasure unimagined.
Every day, you will use normal artifacts such as the music you listen to, art you look at, food you eat, clothes you wear, people you see, movies you watch and emotions you experience.
By pulling all of these elements together, in a mental catalog (if you are too lazy to record on paper), your self regulated research will astound you. The self-inquiry of YOU is an individual personal private home study therapy (you implement on your own) which includes all of the things you do in the run of a day. You execute it as you see fit.
Yes, Your Entire Birth Name (with its unique sound and flavor of your voice applied) is the first place you will begin the sacred sensual sexual artistic transformation. As has been stated in other articles, you shall repeat your name 15 times aloud in a mirror for the next 100 days. Call the indicated names with passion and conviction, aloud.
Do not simply repeat without emotional intent. Call yourself as if from a faraway field. You are asleep and must be awakened. Try to do this ritual at the same time every day. It’s your choice but as with anything of artistic value, your practice and putting it into operation on a regular basis will yield results more enlivened, polished and potent.
The ‘Name Calling’ process will seem a little awkward at first because you have never heard the name you were born with spoken by the voice intended to speak it. The power associated is invigorating and sexual in nature. Sexuality is highest form of spirituality available to mankind.
Remember: You are a sacred sensual sexual artistic being who has yet to introduce yourself to the real SOUL of you or the experience of that particular existence.